Jan 2014
10:16am, 23 Jan 2014
10,209 posts
Inadequate feeling person over here, I've been a bit ambitious (by my standards) with my targets for the year, and am training for the Liverpool marathon at the end of May now, then I've got the Enigma (one day not both) marathon in July and then the Thames Path 50k in September. I'd assumed that once I'd done Liverpool I'd just have a couple of sensible weeks and then try and keep the mileage to around marathon distance for my long runs and have drop down weeks in between for recovery, but now after reading some of the posts above I'm scared I'll overload on the long runs (yes I know some of you spit 20 miles out before breakfast) and end up a wreck.
Jan 2014
10:17am, 23 Jan 2014
10,210 posts
excellent. a nice attention seeking totp ^^^
Jan 2014
10:37am, 23 Jan 2014
108 posts
The Bogman
mulbs - Not that I am an expert but if you are running a marathon in May and you can keep that base into July and on through into Sept then the 50k will be fine; you will be well set. I'm assuming there is not a lot of difference in the terrain etc, If there is then just do some route-specific training between July & Sept.
Jan 2014
11:10am, 23 Jan 2014
24,706 posts
Ooh, advice on mileage, I'd like some too. My portfolio reads: Feb: Baldock Beast (13.1) March: Oakley (20) May: Oxon (40) June: Giant's Head (26.2) August: Stour Valley Path (60) Sept: Harvest Trail (13.1) Oct: Ampthill XC (6)
Is it a case of keeping a good base after Oxon and only tapering after GHM, or would it be worth dropping down after Oxon? Stour Valley's my target race.
Jan 2014
11:10am, 23 Jan 2014
2,560 posts
If it helps mulbs, I have several spring marathons and then my ultra in September (100m). I intend to marathon train until the last marathon is done in May, then start sticking in some double/treble long runs to get used to staying on my feet for hours on end.
Jan 2014
11:13am, 23 Jan 2014
10,212 posts
I think the hardest thing about the 50k will be that it's all along one path, I do some running on disused railway line type routes and mentally it seems further than a route where you occasionally turn left or right lol.
The thing I'm a bit scared of is being able to maintain my base between May and July, when I ran Brighton it felt like it took a while to be able to run long again and I haven't got the luxury of too much time out this time around.
Jan 2014
11:37am, 23 Jan 2014
705 posts
mulbs - your race schedule looks fine to me, and relatively sensible a couple of marathons (Liverpool & Enigma) will set you up well for the 50k in September.
IMHO, you don't need to do marathon-length long runs for a 50k, if you throw in a couple of easy 20-22 milers in-between the races then you should have no problem maintaining endurance for the 50k
Frobester: you races are quite spread out, GHM is 7 weeks before SVP? That's a long time! With a few marathons and 40's under your belt you should be able to keep up the long runs for a few weeks - I'd use GHM as the start of a 4-week block peaking 3 weeks before SVP, then cut down to the big race, e.g.
28-Jun GHM (26.2) 5-6 Jul Long run 30+ miles 12-13 Jul Double (40 miles) 19-20 Jul Long run (35+ miles) 27-28 Jul Double (50 miles) 1-2 Aug 20-ish miles 7-8 Aug 10-15 miles 16 Aug SVP 100k
You get the idea? I like to alternate between doubles and long runs - keeps things interesting Don't think it really matters if you miss a weekend or do a bit less - listen to your body, only you know how much it will take
Jan 2014
11:54am, 23 Jan 2014
24,708 posts
I do, that's massively useful thanks GeeeM.
Jan 2014
12:01pm, 23 Jan 2014
2,730 posts
mulbs - he said ( relatively) sensible!! I love this place, mention plans anywhere else and I get called insane !
Frobester - If you are going to try that loop I mapped, I apologise in advance to Mrs Frobester for the mud! - The bits around the woods Old Warden and Holme wood will be somewhat gloopy. - I'll probably be attempting it though
Jan 2014
12:03pm, 23 Jan 2014
24,709 posts
Going to try it this Sunday, Rosehip. Is there a good place to park somewhere on the route? Btw, I deal with all the mud I bring back, Mrs Frobester says it's my responsibility! The pleasure/peril of living with an enlightened Scandie I guess!