TriSport Fetch: The smell of 220

1 lurker | 171 watchers
Apr 2020
8:52am, 1 Apr 2020
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Angus Clydesdale
I like the new header :) Has it been there long?
Apr 2020
8:58am, 1 Apr 2020
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MA. It's bins day.

As someone who has had a bit of self isolating practice in recent years (maternity leave often meant a few days at a time not leaving the house) the 2 biggest things you can do to stop feeling like a big fat demotivated sack of shit is:
1) eat well
2) get some fresh air


You wouldn't believe what a difference even a walk round the block makes.
Apr 2020
8:58am, 1 Apr 2020
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my weight has been creeping up a little for the two and half weeks I've been at home, I'm going to find it very difficult to stop eating so much, but I am going to try.

Good luck everybody, be strong.

Morning, I am about to kick Joe's arse.
Apr 2020
9:00am, 1 Apr 2020
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So not for the first time in recent weeks I cried, my weigh in was tragic but that is it and I am back on the wagon with no pop and with some goals to make me run hard sometimes

Run 16hrs 125miles
Bike 41hrs 621miles
Yoga 3hrs
Total 60hrs
Rest days NONE
Races - good race with a disappointing result at duathlon champs
DNF with a broken bike at an offroad duathlon

Thanks to my taper and trip back from Spain I did have a bit of a cutback month however the last 2 weeks saw volume steady so no plans to go daft in April but expect to do 60 plus hours

So in conclusion I have been on semi lockdown longer than most thanks to being in Spain, signed up to zwift and put on more weight in a few weeks than I want to confess to.

In the words of the prophet

Train and diet you fat git
Apr 2020
9:01am, 1 Apr 2020
17,322 posts
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Angus Clydesdale
Give him a toe up the jacksie from me, whilst you’re there. Ta.
Apr 2020
9:01am, 1 Apr 2020
17,323 posts
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Angus Clydesdale
That was for Joe, not you PoD
Apr 2020
9:02am, 1 Apr 2020
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Apr 2020
9:05am, 1 Apr 2020
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TRO Saracen
On the mildly positive, my flexible friend has a £219 +ve balance on it, ie it owes me money due to all the race refunds that have hit it lately plus hardly spending anything.

I'm wondering how to charge it an extortionate rate of interest, like it does me the rest of the time....
Apr 2020
9:17am, 1 Apr 2020
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MA - Im in week 4 of cough related doing nothing-ness and weight is about where it was before i.e. about 5-6lbs above where I'd like it to be.

I have bought weights (youngest son has now got a weight training programme via my PT) and I'm looking forward to getting on the bike (on turbot of course)

currently taking road bike apart as I'm having it re-sprayed :-) :-) though won't get to show it off on the roads for a while no doubt.

lard on!
Apr 2020
9:23am, 1 Apr 2020
20,816 posts
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TRO Saracen
Lard on! 😀😀

About This Thread

Maintained by GregP
The Hotel Bastardos Tri Club.
You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.

Coming up:

08 Dec24
* WMCXL rnd 12 (crosspod)

15 Dec 24
* RC Tets v Big Zwingeloo (a Rae in a manger)

16 Feb 25
* Alicante 10k (LazyDaisy)

16 May 25
* LCW Netherlands swim (Aquamondo)

17 May 25
* LCW Netherlands bike (Velomondo)

18 May 25
*LCW Netherlands run (Renmondo)

POTM: Rae 11,918 on p20,397 (last updated 18/07/24)

Twitter: @tribastardos
The Hotel Bastardos.

With just a hint of pesto aioli.

Since 2007.

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