Mar 2020
4:34pm, 31 Mar 2020
68,892 posts
So having been on Holiday early this month I have been WFH / basic isolation for 18 days now. I made the decision early that I would run outdoors and ride indoors. As the noose tightened I joined Zwift which made me cry(I dont like active gaming) but I need to race for those efforts!
I'm not training any less than normal or any more but my diet has gone to shit so with that in mind I am going back into full training tomorrow in prep for Worlds happening in September.
I need a target, I may even set some intermediate goals.
It all starts with the scales in the morning.
Bike training will be a couple of zwift races and a whole lot of base.
I have a 5km loop mapped near home and a sub 17.20 target. (Benchmark was 18.01)
Onwards with purpose!
Mar 2020
4:48pm, 31 Mar 2020
20,810 posts
TRO Saracen
Sounds good Gobi. I've also drifted, lost focus and put some timber on. Training less - swimming has gone for the forseeable and running is now aimless jogging without any targets. Bike I have come off the plan I built through to October and ridden a fair amount but less structure and certainly no willingness to be hurt.
I really need a reboot and some interim targets.
But I can;t be bothered right now. The thinking needs to be done, and next Monday is the day....
Mar 2020
4:54pm, 31 Mar 2020
68,893 posts
Sounds like we have been on a similar journey these last few weeks TRO, I'm starting tomorrow as April Fools day just fits :¬)
Apr 2020
7:46am, 1 Apr 2020
20,811 posts
TRO Saracen
Or to put it another way ‘you, TRO, have become a blubberous fat mess during lockdown’
Causes are simple:
- reduced training
- wfh = day long snacking
- meals have become nutrionally poor comfort food.
All the above I have slipped lazily into as targets, races have gone down the gurgler to be replaced by uncertainty and new routines.
This will pass, and restrictions will be lifted. I think things like park run, time trials, small local races may start up pretty quickly.
I can either sort myself out and be in decent shape when this happens, or be an unfit lumbering heap of lard and then have another 2/3 months wasted desperately trying to rectify this.
Sorry about the unload!
Apr 2020
7:50am, 1 Apr 2020
19,988 posts
Good Moaning, I was pissing by the door....
^^^^^^^^ What TRO said, but in my case, swap Kgs for Stones
Apr 2020
7:53am, 1 Apr 2020
20,812 posts
TRO Saracen
74.2 stone?
Should get you a little entry in a certain book.....
Apr 2020
7:58am, 1 Apr 2020
34,788 posts
Apr 2020
8:05am, 1 Apr 2020
19,989 posts
Well there's a 7 and a 2 in it
Apr 2020
8:12am, 1 Apr 2020
17,319 posts
Angus Clydesdale
Gutbucketry! As I sit here eating my second piece of toast , wondering why my weight hasn’t changed since a fortnight ago.
At least it hasn’t gone up...
Apr 2020
8:12am, 1 Apr 2020
34,795 posts
Mine is hovering below an arbitrary line