TriSport Fetch: The smell of 220

5 lurkers | 171 watchers
Mar 2017
10:36am, 20 Mar 2017
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already run and will bike later.

This is dragging now.

I have a race on Sunday
Mar 2017
10:47am, 20 Mar 2017
986 posts
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I swam last night. I gave up half way through to a man walking up and down the pool and being insistent on walking where I was going, when he did avoid me he managed to walk into the path of a lady who was also swimming up and down at speed. He then complained that we weren't in the (full) fast lane, despite the fact both of us where taken up very little room and a quarter of the pool was pretty much unused. Dickhead is the work I would use. :(
Mar 2017
10:48am, 20 Mar 2017
14,544 posts
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Atonal Miserabilist (AFKA TRO)
Still ill? Perhaps couple of complete rest days rather than doing even easy stuff to get on top of it?
Mar 2017
11:19am, 20 Mar 2017
11,051 posts
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Sick bug has finally got me after 3 weeks and 2 of my kids down with it. Ack
Mar 2017
11:24am, 20 Mar 2017
60,219 posts
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Probably last day of snot to be honest.

No cold and flu tabs or medicine yesterday and no night nurse before bed.

Actually got up thinking was sorted , got work and got snotty

go figure.
Mar 2017
12:35pm, 20 Mar 2017
12,099 posts
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Angus Clydesdale
Allergic to work? I have empathy!! ;-)
Mar 2017
1:07pm, 20 Mar 2017
762 posts
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In NYC so training is a PITA. Will try and get a static bike in at a gym tonight and run tomorrow, but client meetings seem to be getting in the way!
Mar 2017
2:49pm, 20 Mar 2017
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Atonal Miserabilist (AFKA TRO)
Run up the Empire State Building stairs then GR....

Yikes, suddenly got stormy out there, supposed to be March!

Reccers, bane of my life people in the wrong lane. There seems to be a massive reluctance to get in the slow lane, lest that involves admitting that you are not very fast.
Yet they stay in the middle lane even when being overtaken every 2 lengths.

Most annoying is our kick drill man. He swims at a reasonable pace, fair enough. Issue is that his swim consists of 3 or 4 swim lengths, then a massive main set of kick drills at which he is bloody slow. Seems to take up 80% of his overall session, yet because he CAN swim reasonably he thinks this means that occupying the slow lane is beneath him. Causes fucking mayhem every time. Idiot.
Mar 2017
3:26pm, 20 Mar 2017
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Fenland (Fenners) Runner
I'm always torn, do I go in the fast lane and slow the speedsters or go in the slower lane and have to dodge others.
Mar 2017
3:53pm, 20 Mar 2017
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Atonal Miserabilist (AFKA TRO)
Personally I go for faster in a slow lane. Etiquette is you give way to faster swimmers so you have to keep an eye out when they are close behind, and give way.

If you are the faster swimmer the slower ones should give way similarly, although some don;t. Sometimes you can also time your rest to get less disruption, I quite often go early (less rest) if it gets me out just in front of a slower swimmer which then means you won't catch them for quite a time.

However the 6am - 7am slot at my Lloyd means that 3 in a lane is rare, 4 almost unheard of.

About This Thread

Maintained by GregP
The Hotel Bastardos Tri Club.
You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.

Coming up:

08 Dec24
* WMCXL rnd 12 (crosspod)

15 Dec 24
* RC Tets v Big Zwingeloo (a Rae in a manger)

16 Feb 25
* Alicante 10k (LazyDaisy)

16 May 25
* LCW Netherlands swim (Aquamondo)

17 May 25
* LCW Netherlands bike (Velomondo)

18 May 25
*LCW Netherlands run (Renmondo)

POTM: Rae 11,918 on p20,397 (last updated 18/07/24)

Twitter: @tribastardos
The Hotel Bastardos.

With just a hint of pesto aioli.

Since 2007.

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