Transgender exercise - Lets Fetch Everyone

80 watchers
Apr 2023
1:11pm, 8 Apr 2023
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A) what you've just written is inaccurate and rooted in misogyny,

* 'biological sex' is not a binary, there are multiple different combinations of the seven major sex distinguishing characteristics, only one (and not the most significant one, even) of which is assessed at birth. But sure, that assignment is clearly foolproof.

* trans women have been competing with cis women for decades already and guess what - they haven't dominated shit! One trans olympian who didn't medal, in over 30 years, cis women still hold all the records, this is NON PROBLEM
*sex segregation in many sports actually started because the men didn't like being shown up by women who were beating them or more popular than they were
*we don't yet know what cis women are fully capable of because we continue to treat them as second class and weaker humans, if we were training, feeding, and supporting girls from birth the same way we do boys the picture might be very different
*the real threats to women's safety (apart from the cis male predators we are constantly surrounded by) are lower quality coaching and facilities leading to poor technique and avoidable injuries.

But much more importantly

B) this is not the thread for that, particularly right after COTH's passionate essay. I'm autistic and even I can read a room well enough to have picked up on that.
Apr 2023
1:15pm, 8 Apr 2023
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(that's aimed at Charlesvdwhatever, in case it getting separated to a new page confused anyone)
Apr 2023
1:53pm, 8 Apr 2023
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well said Rae.

this is a *supportive* thread *not* a discussion of the minefield that is elite sports.
Apr 2023
1:54pm, 8 Apr 2023
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well said

as the mother of a trans child, I do fear for her under the current climate of fear and hate, I stand with her and all her trans sisters
Apr 2023
2:10pm, 8 Apr 2023
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Apr 2023
2:22pm, 8 Apr 2023
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It's terrifying, isn't it 😢

This is absolutely the key point:
Laws like the one in Kansas aren’t being made because of a scientific consensus, they’re not being made because of ‘fairness’–they’re being made to hurt and humiliate young trans people. And these laws, I can’t stress enough, will not just affect trans people: they’ll impact everyone who doesn’t conform to rigid gender stereotypes. Indeed, cisgender women who don’t present in a ‘feminine’ way are already being harassed in public bathrooms because of anti-trans hysteria. There is no clear line between trans rights and women’s rights and gay rights
Apr 2023
2:40pm, 8 Apr 2023
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I'm so sorry that you feel like that, CoTH. It sounds awful.
Apr 2023
2:51pm, 8 Apr 2023
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I’m sorry, I didn’t know this was the thread where you can’t say something about biology, like a person who has XY chromosomes and testes is a biological male and a person who has XX and ovaries is a biological female.

Trans women are women in every possible way (socially, culturally whatever). But just not biologically. Every cell in a trans woman’s body is XY.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m pro trans.

But there’s a problem in sports.

Did you know every women’s world records in athletics has been bettered by 16 year old boys ?
Did you know the benefit of male puberty is not reversed by testosteron suppression therapy ?
Therefore trans women don’t belong in women’s sports.

Imho a third category would be the best option.

I will leave this thread to the like-minded. I’m sorry if I hurt some people’s feelings.
Apr 2023
2:56pm, 8 Apr 2023
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But not sorry enough to not get a few more points in?
Apr 2023
3:00pm, 8 Apr 2023
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Did you know that you're still preaching inaccuracies? As already mentioned, chromosomes are not the be all and end all of 'biological sex - and there is no persuasive, peer reviewed, evidence supporting the assertion that AMAB folks who don't transition until after puberty retain a physiological advantage. It's closer to the exact opposite, given the near complete lack of elite level trans women in sport.

Don't let things like reality get in the way of your misogynist dogma, though.

Did you know that the fact that this thread exists specifically to support trans people is spelled out in the simplest terms possible in the thread description, so even without taking any time to read previous posts before inserting your opinion, you should really have been able to figure it out?

Did you know that 'sorry if I hurt anyone's feelings' is a completely bullshit non-apology and just makes you look even more insensitive?

Don't get me wrong, you're kidding yourself if you genuinely think that you're a trans ally.

About This Thread

Maintained by
A thread about how we can encourage and include people in whatever exercise they are interested in and removing barriers to participation.

Amendments/Corrections/Requests just ask for a sidebar edit.
This is NOT comprehensive, just some helpful shorthand.

Gender Identity ≠ Gender Expression ≠ Anatomical Sex ≠ Sexual Orientation

Anatomical sex = The physical aspects that make you fit into a category based on genitals, chromosomes etc i.e. Intersex, Female, Male...
Gender identity = The internal view of gender, the way you see yourself.
Gender expression = The way you present to others externally through clothing, behaviours, language and other social signals.

Sexual orientation = Who you are attracted to.

None of the above are dependent on any of the others, individuals may relate one to another in their specific case, but assuming what one might be based on observation of another is not a sound basis for determination.

Transgender (Trans) = When your gender identity does not match your identity assigned at birth based on anatomical sex.
Cisgender (Cis) = When your gender identity matches your identity assigned at birth based on anatomical sex.
Non Binary (Enby) = When your gender identity doesn't fall into either of the female/male choice. It may exist somewhere on the spectrum between woman and man, either stable of fluctuating between woman-ness and man-ness. This may encapsulate those that may use terms such as genderfluid, agender, demigender et al.

Pronouns = she/her, him/his, them/they etc...
How to refer best to someone else. Really simply, follow their lead. Ask if unsure, be polite. If corrected, it's not a problem unless you repeatedly ignore correction.

Transition = The process somebody goes through to alter their physical attributes to better match their gender identity and expression.

Dysphoria = The distress a person feels due to a mismatch between their gender identity and their sex assigned at birth. Can fluctuate and be experienced at varying degrees.
Dysmorphia = Discomfort with the shape/form of the body. Present in eating disorders and the like, but can often effect transgender people, with triggers such as body hair presence/absence, chest/genital presentation etc.
Deadname - The name a person is assigned at birth, that they no longer use.

Triggers = Things that are known to cause an effect. Typically, X causes a person to experience dysphoria/dysmorphia. Sometimes these can be managed/avoided, other times they are inevitable.

amab = assigned male at birth (originally born anatomically male)

afab = assigned female at birth (originally born anatomically female)

ftm = female to male transitioner
mtf = male to female transitioner
egg = state of somebody before becoming aware they were transgender i.e. "their egg cracked when they realised and began to emerge"
GIC/GIS = Gender Identity Clinic/Service, providing transition services
GRS = Gender Reassignment Surgery

General notes:
* Not everyone will be comfortable talking about their situation, depending on where they are.
* Not everyone has the language to articulate how they feel, what they want to say. Be patient.
* These things are NOT static, what you encounter in a person today may evolve into something else later.
* Am I trans/cis/enby etc... Frankly, you tell us. Whatever YOU are comfortable with at the time is what we will adopt. It is YOUR identity.
* This language is weird. Yup, and we (CreatureOfTheHill) as a plural system talk strange too, it's OK. We (CreatureOfTheHill) are not "normal", never have been.
* Am I weird/abnormal? Possibly, but it has NOTHING to do with being here or being trans/enby or whatever. People just are in general, and that is OK, we love you for your quirkiness.

Genderbread Person

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