Children off school, check in here for support.

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Apr 2020
6:46pm, 29 Apr 2020
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I feel so thankful that my kids are a bit older. They are learning the important life skill of filling their time without the structure of school bells, out of school activities, and homework. I am really a passive bystander who feeds them from time to time.
Apr 2020
6:51pm, 29 Apr 2020
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Dr PhFleecyD
Me too WA. I asked ds2 earlier if he’d done the imedia homework his teacher emailed us about, he said ‘yep’ and went back to his very important computer work. Ds2 has always seen school as an opportunity to hang out with his friends but otherwise interfering with his Youtube learning...I’m sure he’ll be happy when he finally goes back to school though!
One of their friends is making a YouTube video every day, they showed me one and it was great. His most viewed one is atrocious but apparently much used by geography teachers!
Apr 2020
6:55pm, 29 Apr 2020
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Dr PhFleecyD
I was trying to find the video but couldn’t. It was facts about Uzbekistan and was pretty interesting as well as funny, what a strange country. If your kids love YouTube you could do worse than to get them to make their own videos, it’s the equivalent of those silly posters we had to make at school by cutting out and sticking on photos and text boxes :)
Apr 2020
7:06pm, 29 Apr 2020
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The children have been creating their own newspapers/comics. They started them without any suggestions from me, the only thing I've done is print a few pictures and staple some pages.

Apr 2020
7:12pm, 29 Apr 2020
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Dr PhFleecyD
That’s cool! I used to do that with my brother for fun. We had really horrible neighbours and we used to illustrate gruesome news stories about Mr ShitFace being eaten by sharks :)

Honestly purps, don’t fret about your kids schooling. School is cancelled indefinitely, and kids (actually everyone) learn best when they’re interested in what they’re learning. They have the rest of the decade to catch up on boring school stuff.
Apr 2020
7:17pm, 29 Apr 2020
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Lizzie W
Mr W's school are rumouring about going back after half term. I'm keeping T9 off as long as possible, away from the crap teacher.
Apr 2020
7:35pm, 29 Apr 2020
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That's brilliant purps! Marigold used to do something similar.

She's getting through her schoolwork on time, and reading umpteen fanfic novels. I don't really understand what they are or where she finds them, but when she's not working she's reading. (Or bouncing on the trampoline) I asked if she was missing her friends- "no, not really. We have loads of chats and I know I'll see them all when we go back"
SweetPea is teaching herself bass, reading and knitting herself a *very long scarf*. And drinking tea like it's going out of fashion. She assures me there's nothing academic that she needs to do, and having looked at the college website, I'm inclined to agree with her.
May 2020
8:03am, 14 May 2020
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Elsie Too
How is everyone doing? We've settled into a routine that is getting more and more relaxed. My son is doing some of the set work - we aim at a maximum of 3 hours a day, some days he does that, other days he is doing educational minecraft worlds (that are not very educational) or helping cook dinner for the 3rd hour of the day.

His teacher phoned this week - first time he's done that and sounds like he may be the only teacher at our school doing it. He spoke to me and my son - suggested to my son that he uses the time to watch Dr Who from start to finish!
May 2020
9:43am, 14 May 2020
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Dr PhFleecyD
Spoke to my uncle last night, his daughter and SIL are both doctors so their kids 7 and 9 I think) have been in school. It sounds like school is basically babysitting them and doing almost no learning, so take heart parents fretting about home schooling :)

Must find out if ds2 is actually doing any of his set work, I suspect it’s the minimum.
May 2020
10:26am, 14 May 2020
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Elsie Too
"Any maths is good maths" was a quote from my son's teacher this week. He's just completed the set work in 15 minutes and begged to read a book for the other 15 minutes of his maths lesson time. I've been a mean mum and made him play a maths game on the computer instead.

About This Thread

Maintained by Pinks
Let's support each other while the children are off.

Use this to vent frustration, ask questions, pool resources and anything else we think might help.

A blog, it's a post I copied from a school principle

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