Children off school, check in here for support.

2 lurkers | 20 watchers
May 2020
10:41am, 20 May 2020
1,856 posts
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I don't have children, but thought you may appreciate this:

Guy at my work, dials into conference calls, often with the customer... In the background, you can hear his teenage boys fighting with each other and his wife screaming at them... he doesn't mute his mic and shouts down for them to be quiet.
May 2020
10:42am, 20 May 2020
23,119 posts
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Lizzie W
Oh wow, thanks DocM!
May 2020
12:12pm, 20 May 2020
23,121 posts
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Lizzie W
Hurrah - I adopted a pair of proper weighing scales ages ago, hoping they'd interest T9 in weighing and cooking - finally today's maths was measures of capacity/weight/length so I gleefully got out all the weights, measuring spoons/jugs, bags of sugar, carton of juice AND he said it was the best maths lesson ever :-)
May 2020
12:30pm, 20 May 2020
2,563 posts
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Elsie Too
Yay to fun maths :-)
May 2020
11:44am, 22 May 2020
2,566 posts
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Elsie Too
My son just came to ask me to read his next task (it's pretty small print). I read it to him "write a sentence with the missing word and include an adverb of possibility" I do not have a scooby doo what that means!

We decided that the best thing to do was skip that and go find Dad to play a board game until lunchtime - it is the last day of school before holidays after all!
May 2020
12:11pm, 22 May 2020
23,133 posts
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Lizzie W
Happy half term!
May 2020
3:25pm, 22 May 2020
2,567 posts
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Elsie Too
Thanks Lizzie- when I told him what that link says he suddenly recalled what they were - we still are not going to both doing that task though! And for him it is now half term. I still have an hour to go of work and then I also have half a week off :-)
May 2020
8:06pm, 22 May 2020
23,141 posts
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Lizzie W
May 2020
4:15pm, 29 May 2020
23,167 posts
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Lizzie W
We've had the letter from school detailing arrangements. It does not sound fun. At least he'll have a nice teacher if he has to go in when Mr W is working.
May 2020
7:00pm, 29 May 2020
38,048 posts
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Our council has advised not to open so it's staying as it is at the moment with key worker children only. Mine weren't in the ages anyway, so I didn't have to make the decision.

About This Thread

Maintained by Pinks
Let's support each other while the children are off.

Use this to vent frustration, ask questions, pool resources and anything else we think might help.

A blog, it's a post I copied from a school principle

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