Aug 2024
2:57pm, 18 Aug 2024
12,395 posts
Fenland Flier
14.5 miles this morning and well on the way to 900 in total. 1000 is in the bag really unless I stop running altogether. My secondary target of 1500 has been scrapped. I'm pressing reset and ditching targets for now, running has become a 3 day a week habit and I'm not loving it like I used to. I shall be running when I feel like it now and see where it takes me.
Aug 2024
4:28pm, 18 Aug 2024
15,728 posts
Well done for this mornings 14.5 miles FF. It sounds like you have lost your mojo at present, but hopefully it will return. We all go through bad patches, at times.
Aug 2024
8:18pm, 18 Aug 2024
23,820 posts
Well done on the various runs and grr to irresponsible dog owners why they insist on letting dogs off when people are about and they have no control annoys me.
As for gels I cannot stomach them and I think the 40min suggestion is to sell people more. I remember standing on start line of GNR and people around me taking gels - they’d not even moved! It was like reading back of a dog food tin saying our dog who was a small terrier needed 3 tins a day!! Really no wonder so many dogs are obese.
Mam is ok and we got out for another run Saturday morning. We ran passed a sunflower field I’d spotted when I picked my brother up on the Friday.
We’ve had a fabulous weekend sister in law who can be difficult was absolutely brilliant shame she can’t always be this personable. Maybe she’s mellowing.
FF I can relate to your post I am struggling to fit everything in and I think if I released some targets in my running it would make life a bit easier. But it’s the one thing I do for me.
I hope releasing the pressure makes running more enjoyable in the near future.
I tipped over the 900 at the weekend, I had been aiming for a stretch target of 1500 but that isn’t going to happen so I’ll save that for a retirement goal.
Aug 2024
8:35pm, 18 Aug 2024
518 posts
Views on my run today - stomach issues cut the run a couple of km short of the 14 miles
I'm on the fence with gels really, the only ones I can stomach are Kendal mint ones and only use them if I've not fuelled properly before.
I have a big brute of a dog (bull lurcher 30kgs) and wouldn't dream of allowing him to annoy someone and it amazes me when folk find it funny when their dogs jump up.
Aug 2024
9:32am, 19 Aug 2024
7,084 posts
Most dogs I come across are ok thankfully. Pity you had some probs with some hs so well done on your 6.52 miles. Great distance FF , pity you aren't feeling enthusiastic about your running so well done on digging in on those longer miles. Whatever, three days a week at those miles is excellent. Nice to run past a field of sunflowers gg and yeah, both you and FF have been having quite a go at squeezing your running into limited time which is bound to make it feel a chore sometimes. Fabulous 14 miler duo and super environment to run in. Mojo/enthusiasm/ and all that....I like my target because it's achievable and within my capabilities and time constraints (of which luckily I have few). It's realistic too although I'm constantly battling against something that's out of my control. Although I see some progress it's dastardly slow and at some point near my next long COVID evaluation I feel I'm going to change some of my routine. Torey thinks a 1000 next year is still realistic and on our 4.2 miles together this morning it felt possible! A trail run again , no dogs!
Aug 2024
1:22pm, 19 Aug 2024
36 posts
Great 13 miler duo inc a park run very impressive. FF shame you have lost your running mojo, maybe take a couple of weeks off and see how you feel. Yes Steve long runs now all in prep for Lisbon.
6 miles this morning inc a 3 mile tempo and a easy 4 yesterday.
YTD 943 miles.
Aug 2024
3:40pm, 19 Aug 2024
15,732 posts
GG, I'm glad to hear that your mam is ok, and that you ran together on Saturday, passing a sunflower field. A nice picture.
It was good that you had a good weekend with your sister in law.
Well done for passing 900 miles over the weekend.
Lovely pictures duo of yesterday's run which was just short of 14 miles.
It's good to hear that you keep your big dog under control. I tend to find that it is often the smaller dogs that appear to be more aggressive.
Thanks Steve, luckily the dogs didn't actually jump up at me, but tried to run at/after me.
It is admirable the way that you have persevered with your run/walk on a daily basis, determined not to let the wretched Covid get the better of you. I'm sure that you will manage 1000 miles again next year.
Well done for this mornings 4.2 miles with Torey.
Well done MrHSc for this mornings 6 miles including 3 miles at tempo pace, and an easy 4 miles yesterday.
This morning was a really enjoyable 9.61 miles forest run with the Sarah's. Conditions were ideal, weather and terrain. I've run 22.87 miles in the last 3 days, so things are "looking up"
Aug 2024
8:55am, 20 Aug 2024
23 posts
As a relative newbie I'm still getting to know you all. Steve: interesting to hear your battles with long covid. Sounds like some progress. Keep going and good luck.
A trainer related question. For about the last 10 years I've run in asics nimbus. A while ago, the asics outlet site was selling the previous edition for roughly half price. I brought 4 pairs. These have been sat quietly in the back of the wardrobe for about 2 years. I'm now onto the 2nd pair. I'm disappointed with the current ones, essentially it feels like I'm running bare foot! Is it possible that the material which provides the cushioning deteriorates over time? Dries out, goes hard?
Anyway, 5.0 and 6.4 to add.
Ytd 610.0
Aug 2024
11:14am, 20 Aug 2024
15,738 posts
I'm sorry Donnie 1 that I can't help you, as I don't store trainers. On the other hand, I do use trainers after they have been withdrawn from running, for casual wear such as walking etc. I suppose the cushioning does harden, but due to the mileage on them. This doesn't really answer your question, but is the best that I can do.
The usual Tuesday Farmers Walk wearing a pair of old trainers 😁
Aug 2024
12:37pm, 20 Aug 2024
7,085 posts
I took a look on Google Donnie1. According to the first article it states that mid soles will harden after about five years whether the shoes have been used or not. The cushioning deteriorates over that kind of period.