Aug 2024
12:40pm, 16 Aug 2024
517 posts
Beautiful pics everyone! I'll remember to take a few on my long run when I'm in the middle of nowhere.
I did a similar thing Mr HSc last Sunday but thankfully mine was only 13 miles long with a 3x3 at HM pace. I needed those energy gels and water.
Does anyone else use refillable gel bottles? I do and think they're a great idea.
Aug 2024
1:29pm, 16 Aug 2024
15,715 posts
Well done JackFW for your 10k, and good luck for todays long run.
Thanks Steve, it was a short, but challenging run, so undertaken at a very steady pace.
Well done for this mornings 4.2 miles on hilly roads, but sorry that you were feeling a bit under par.
Well done Mr HSc for your 18 miles, including 3 x 3 at marathon pace.
Well done duo for Sundays 13 miles, including 3 x 3 at half marathon pace.
This morning was the usual Friday Farmers Walk, but with heavier bags than usual. I managed to complete it without stopping. I definitely class these walks as cross training.
Aug 2024
9:21pm, 16 Aug 2024
22 posts
Home from Berlin. Great trip, recommend it as a city break destination.
5.1 and 5.0 on Thurs and Friday evenings. Feel like I need some oil in my engine. Body lacking lubrication.
If I'd known my current total, I'd have gone round the block a couple of times.
Ytd: 599.6
Aug 2024
7:34am, 17 Aug 2024
44 posts
Donnie, you are chasing down that par target. Not far away now. Berlin is a great city.
No, I don’t Duo, but any idea to reduce wastage and recycle more is a good one!
Thanks, HS. I just walked two heavy bags to the tram stop which is about a 1 km from home. I agree - it is a workout!
25km today slightly under target Marathon pace. Happy with that but now I’m stuffed after my own version of the farmers walk. P.s. Steve, I ended up having 2 pints after work last night with my old man.
Aug 2024
8:04am, 17 Aug 2024
23,815 posts
Super running all and thanks for sharing pics.
We are boating with my parents brother and sister in law (bro & sis are in their camper van) not for much opportunity to run mam and I did 3.5 yesterday doubt I’ll get any in today everyone is sleeping! I could have snuck out if I’d been better prepared. Mam face planted as she tripped over a tree route she’s terrible at not watching where she is putting her feet on the trails thankfully she is ok.
Aug 2024
9:36am, 17 Aug 2024
7,082 posts
I'm presuming your long runs are in preparation for the Lisbon Marathon in October MrHSc. Doing very well then, that's a great 18 miler done. Thirteen is impressive too duo. Obviously at my now current level (which is now far worse than when I was a beginner!) I have no need for gels. It does surprise me though that a "dose" of a gel every forty minutes is recommended by some "experts". Yuch!
What a tantalising total mileage Donnie1, yeah...I would have had to go out and around the block to round it up!
Heavier bags hs? More fuel?!! Well done of course. Oh your poor Mum gg☹️. Glad there was no serious injury . Looks like nice weather for boating and a bit of time off running won't harm. Another 4.2 miles mainly on trails this morning. A bit of a nip in the air too but a glorious start to the day.
Aug 2024
3:13pm, 17 Aug 2024
15,721 posts
Donnie 1, well done for Thursday and Fridays runs. So near to the 600 miles, in fact if that was me, I would have lied on here, and said that I had made the 600😁
JackFW, congratulations for your first Farmers Walk 😂. Well done for todays 25k, you deserved last night's 2 pints 🍻.
GG, well done for yesterday's 3.5 miles with your mam, but I'm very sorry to hear that she "face planted!" I'm glad that she is ok though.
Steve, I'm also surprised that so called experts are recommending taking gels every 40 minutes. Back in our days, there were no gels, and we relied on water stations, and if we were lucky, wet sponges.
Thanks re the Farmers Walk. No, no extra fuel. Even during today's longer runs, I only take plain water, nothing fancy 🙃
Well done for this mornings 4.2 miles, mainly on trails.
This morning was a solo 6.74 miles in the forest, including a virtual 5k parkrun, running round and round the 800 metres gravel and grass track. I didn't parkrun, as my usual running mates were "otherwise engaged." It was really challenging running solo, with no runners to chase, but at least, I wasn't a reluctant pacemaker for others. It seemed never ending running lap after lap, but each mile was quicker than the one before.
Aug 2024
3:59pm, 17 Aug 2024
3,990 posts
Lesley C
Hope your mam is ok GG.
Oh that 0.4 miles Donnie, I would have checked before I left. Next time though you will maybe do that 😉.
It sounds like a tough track HS, grass and gravel are not the best to run fast on. Well done.
Well done on your long run Jack.
I was looking at refillable gel bottles Duo, but not sure about them. Some brands give you envelopes to recycle the packets - High 5 is one. They also do a bottle of gel mix that you dilute.
17 miles for me this morning. It was a tough route and I was a few mins late for Parkrun. I got round and glad I got it in too. Was a warm morning and a bit breezy.
Aug 2024
8:23am, 18 Aug 2024
7,083 posts
I missed reading that you'd done a special version of a farmer's walk Jack! Sounds a treat!! Yeah, no gels when we endured marathons etc hs! Despite the evidence offered about fuel and even shoes that are magic, overall pace/times for half and marathon completions haven't improved much. In fact UK marathon elites aren't doing that well compared with those of bygone days . Sounds an arduous run you did on your own but (to me) sounds better than a park run. Fabulous 17 miler Lesley. AND a park run as well. Crikey. Well done on both. 5k in the early morning sunshine was how all mornings should be! Trails were quiet, not even a breeze in the trees and I didn't see a single person.
Aug 2024
12:23pm, 18 Aug 2024
15,725 posts
Thanks Lesley, it's definitely not as "fast" as a tartan running track. It's undulating and very uneven, with lots of protruding roots.
Well done for yesterday's 17 miles, including a parkrun.
You are correct Steve that in spite of all the modern artifacts, UK Marathon and Half times, haven't improved since the days of Steve and Hugh Jones etc. I may have mentioned before that when I was living in Liverpool nearly 40 years ago, and quite speedy, Hugh overtook me in Sefton Park while I was doing speed work, and he appeared to be jogging!
That "track" 5k was rather arduous, especially running it solo. I was approached by dogs off their leads on three occasions, and their owners thought it amusing. It was annoying as I had to take evasive action.
Well done for this early mornings 5k in splendid isolation 😁
I ran a solo 6.52 miles in the forest this morning. There were several other runners, and quite a few dog walkers.