How was your run today?

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Oct 2018
10:50pm, 8 Oct 2018
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Surrey Phil
Even though I don't mind the cold, my hands really do. I always wear shorts, not tights or tracksuit bottoms.

As a guide, I tend to wear a t-shirt or technical top if over 10 degrees and a long-sleeve top between 5-10 degrees. The gloves go on if below 5 degrees and extra layer or two if below freezing.

It's great to enjoy a run and the surroundings. When usually there's a training aspect or the mileage starts cranking up, you miss a lot of nature. Too often, I set off in the dark and the next minute it's daylight - totally missing the dawn chorus and the sunrise.
Oct 2018
12:54am, 18 Oct 2018
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Haven't run today yet, but yesterday went for a 10 miler (16km). Overcast and threatening to rain but didn't! Mostly collecting items for fetchpoint with a little bit of WSW thrown in.
Oct 2018
12:56am, 18 Oct 2018
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Surrey Phil, I have similar issues with my hands and cold, perhaps I'm quicker to don the gloves and slower to don the long sleeves though. It's surprising to me how cold my hands can get.
Nov 2018
7:28pm, 7 Nov 2018
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today's run was quite cracking, with the chief idiot hound, two laps of 'my' hills without really going up them all, loads of livestock about, no people, sort of 'slipped away' into a running trance, which was nice, and it all felt sort of effortless, which doesn't happen often.
Nov 2018
12:40am, 10 Nov 2018
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8pm saw me out at the height of the weather front crossing from the Irish Sea to Merseyside. The rain relented and then stopped but the force 6 SE wind was bent on slowing me down. Once I turned up the beach, I was turbo assisted but strayed into some very soft, waterlogged sand and had to kick one foot out of the mire. :-o
Nov 2018
10:46pm, 19 Nov 2018
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Nice 5 miles with a buddy. Took it easy. Weather not bad but wind was picking up.
Nov 2018
12:05am, 20 Nov 2018
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Cooler mid-evening but little breeze. 5.3 miles around the coastal park and up the beach by the light of the moon and my head torch. Very few souls about.
Nov 2018
11:22pm, 20 Nov 2018
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Out at 8pm, expecting rain but pleased to report dry, still conditions as I ran alongside a tide coming in rather casually. Firm sand is a joy to run on but my head torch is essential in avoiding any flotsam or jetsam on the beach!

4 miles, very steadily done.
Nov 2018
8:52pm, 21 Nov 2018
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Today's run was mostly cold, my feet even got cold! FFS, some snow had settled on the tops of the hills and it made the descents a bit more interesting than usual, stayed mostly on my feet except I did land on me arse once.
Nov 2018
11:08pm, 21 Nov 2018
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Tonight's evening outing took me through 19000 miles logged on Fetcheveryone. Trails, lakes and beach cover it - and a photo to mark the event!

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