How was your run today?

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Nov 2018
6:46pm, 29 Nov 2018
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Today's run was quite lucky, the wind dropped and the rain stopped, so the hound and I headed out onto the hills, and did a nice little recce of a couple of hills I'll be racing over this weekend, felt a bit slow and ploddy, but it was ok, if a bit slippery underfoot wearing no2 pair of me fell shoes. There was a little bit of rain and wind on the tops, but when we got back down the heavens seemed to open, nice to watch from behind glass...
Nov 2018
11:36am, 30 Nov 2018
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Sounds like good prep - even tho' runners cannot yet order the weather they'd prefer!

Last night, there was more standing water than I'd expected on the coastal park. By the small lake, I sploshed through some softer patches; strange, since it's almost all on sand foundations. A SW wind was still asserting itself, so it was a guilty pleasure to be assisted for a stretch of the beach. Head torch packed in down a dark trail but I got home unscathed.
Dec 2018
8:02am, 1 Dec 2018
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Surrey Phil
7.8 miles in the rain. My average pace was a bit down on previous weeks. I'm wondering whether I actually paused my Garmin when someone stopped me for directions.
Dec 2018
10:30pm, 2 Dec 2018
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Cardington Cracker Fell Race, cracking, a bit cold, a bit blowy, a bit muddy, a bit slippery going up hill in places. But a PB on that course, hard.
Dec 2018
12:50am, 3 Dec 2018
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9pm darkrun round the lakes, Freeport and along the beach, getting a little too close to the incoming tide at one point. :-o With a stiff westerly breeze, the boom from the breaking waves was clearly audible. Very few people about: a couple with three small, shouty dogs who took a dislike to my head torch! By Crosby Leisure Centre, I waved to a couple: the man was wearing a complete Santa outfit....
8.1 miles.
Dec 2018
10:40am, 3 Dec 2018
17,028 posts
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Nice 3 miles just to help get me through Monday :)
Dec 2018
11:41pm, 3 Dec 2018
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Out after 8 again this evening, a little drizzle and a gentle breeze but a few degrees cooler. Through the coastal park and between the Freeport and the Marina to the beach. Along the prom and between the lakes before climbing one of the very few hills round here and heading home.
5.1 miles.
Dec 2018
5:58pm, 9 Dec 2018
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Litton Christmas Cracker, a cracking little race, I got there quite not in the mood, cold, full to the gun'lls of pre excuses;- bad knee, not feeling it, cold, didn't like the route on the map - not felly enough, etc, etc, even went to the back for the start. LOVED IT, a brilliant race, and I ran well, the descents and rough ground were great, I moved up through the field, and finished well, I will not recommend this race because it is so good and I want to keep it to myself.
Dec 2018
7:33pm, 17 Dec 2018
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Out on the Clwydian Range doing a route recce across the heather, gorse, etc, using map and compass, reasonably effectively, quite cold and quite tough going. Met a fellow runner and we did the recce together......nice
Dec 2018
10:13pm, 17 Dec 2018
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Eynsham the Red knows rain dear
A tough four miles. It shouldn’t have been tough but my legs just felt heavy.

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