May 2021
4:25pm, 28 May 2021
21,247 posts
[Ed - yes, but the course wasn't. I think I was getting a bit fed up with endless refresher courses]
May 2021
4:49pm, 28 May 2021
7,673 posts
I didn't just lock myself in the garden - unable to get out through the back gate or get in through the backdoor. (Luckily teen was in and answered his phone - almost unheard of).
May 2021
5:26pm, 28 May 2021
3,598 posts
I really enjoy the noise of kids playing in a garden. I love listening to their wailing as they fall out with each other. I’m really pleased that the house four doors down is finally occupied and they’ve got a bouncy castle in the back garden. The generator isn’t annoying either.
May 2021
5:32pm, 28 May 2021
51,751 posts
Lip Gloss
I really can’t believe you are doing that.
May 2021
5:42pm, 28 May 2021
74,446 posts
So nice to have the weekend off!
[Still at a client till 6.30, working Sunday and I always work bank holidays]
May 2021
6:10pm, 28 May 2021
7,748 posts
The Great Raemondo
*I* wasn't napping on the sofa, *you* were napping on the sofa. The only mystery here is how *you* napping in an odd position on the sofa has made *my* neck and shoulder ache...
May 2021
7:59pm, 28 May 2021
291 posts
I don't want to hear you're 'sorry for the wait' when you quite clearly don't give a damn. I'd have preferred you engaged your brain first and rather than as 1 of 2 checkout operators on with 10 people standing in the queues you had got floorstaff to go and find the price of the item. Or when you didn't find the price after 5 mins wandering the shop yourself rather than have a whole queue of people wait another 15 mins whilst someone else found the price + someone else eventually had the gumption to put another till on you had quite simply politely asked the man with the single item deck chair to stand to the side whilst the manager got the price and you continued to serve other customers. You were about 30 secs from having a conveyor belt full of groceries abandoned.
May 2021
8:07pm, 28 May 2021
931 posts
Sam Jelfs
That was fun and easy, I didn't end up with ATF in my hair and crap in my eyes. "Bolt on" parts just bolted on easily...
May 2021
8:21am, 29 May 2021
6,437 posts
I'm ready for this course!
May 2021
8:52am, 29 May 2021
60,190 posts
I haven't just seen the man across the road put his deodorant on and get dressed in front of his bedroom window.