Apr 2020
4:28pm, 10 Apr 2020
19,127 posts
I'm just going to drive to Scotland as I hear my daughter up there needs some aspirins and bread. [ Downing St seems to think that's OK, though I suppose I might get into trouble after crossing the border. ]
Apr 2020
4:55pm, 10 Apr 2020
22,781 posts
Lizzie W
There were butterbeans in the soup.
[there were, it was nice, none of the bean-haters need to know]
Apr 2020
5:13pm, 10 Apr 2020
1,353 posts
With the warm afternoon sunshine it was lovely to sit out in the garden enjoying the peace and quiet and listen to the sounds of nature (the various sets of neighbours over the side fence forced us indoors by simultaneously (a) firing up a stinking bbq (b) playing crap music VERY LOUDLY (c) having yet another argument)
Apr 2020
7:15pm, 10 Apr 2020
327 posts
Please do something about your yappy dog! You live next to a ginnel. Every time someone walks down it, your dog starts a frenzied barking. This sets off all the other dogs in the locality - mine included! I've now had to shut our dog in the house 😥
Apr 2020
7:23pm, 10 Apr 2020
7,225 posts
Too Much Water
I’m glad you've left, now I can begin my life again away from your violence and anger
Apr 2020
7:43pm, 10 Apr 2020
19,129 posts
So let's say 95% of people are doing what they're asked to do and 5% are defying those requests.
And you. dear politician, think that the best way to bring the 5% in line is to impose further restrictions?
Apr 2020
8:42pm, 10 Apr 2020
30,665 posts
Erm so are you actually blaming the people who use the PPE for there not being enough PPE. Seriously?
Apr 2020
9:30pm, 10 Apr 2020
1,881 posts
Lesley C
I don’t think taking your daughter out for a driving lesson constitutes essential travel.
Apr 2020
9:57pm, 10 Apr 2020
5,333 posts
You had covid a week ago so you thought you would try a marathon today.
You’re a fucking idiot.
Apr 2020
10:04pm, 10 Apr 2020
39,354 posts
Lip Gloss
[ I hope to fuck that's nobody I know ]