Feb 2020
3:21pm, 11 Feb 2020
8,423 posts
This causes me anxiety. Seems somehow sacreligious
Feb 2020
3:25pm, 11 Feb 2020
68,548 posts
They have lived a good life. Amazingly I'm not running super fast but I like them.
Feb 2020
3:25pm, 11 Feb 2020
6,354 posts
I'm going to be hanging my pair up on the wall when I'm done with them
Feb 2020
3:26pm, 11 Feb 2020
68,549 posts
I can that with the second pair
Feb 2020
3:57pm, 11 Feb 2020
29,900 posts
Is anyone prepared to sacrifice a new pair on the altar of science by cutting the plate out and sticking it back together again? Lol.
Feb 2020
4:06pm, 11 Feb 2020
45,226 posts
Isn't that approximately what the Pegasus Turbo is, SPR?
Feb 2020
4:14pm, 11 Feb 2020
3,334 posts
K5 Gus
Sort of but not exactly V'rap.
The Peg Turbo midsole is 2 layers - the smaller top layer is the ZoomX special foam, but the bigger lower layer is React foam.
The general consensus is that ZoomX on it's own is just too soft and unstable, so either needs a plate, or a layer of stiffer foam to stabilise things
Feb 2020
4:24pm, 11 Feb 2020
905 posts
I can easily cut up my old pair. one foot is totally destroyed while the other foot is near pristine
Feb 2020
4:43pm, 11 Feb 2020
4,469 posts
Windsor Wool
I tried to slice through a pair of my old ZF but found it pretty heavy going and soon gave up when I realized that I'd already seen the carbon plate (I'd worn through to it!) and that there are plenty of deconstruction vids on youtube!
My original VFs have about 500 miles on them now and the plate is just starting to get visible on the forefoot. Almost time for them to get framed on the wall
I've really butchered my Peg Turbos to reduce both the height and thickness of the heel support. There's not going to be a lot of re-sale value in them!!
Feb 2020
4:48pm, 11 Feb 2020
6,357 posts
What you mean really you've worn right through the sole? Or is it just an edge somewhere?