The ugly side of the London Marathon 2019 #NotInclusive

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May 2019
1:41pm, 3 May 2019
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Rosehip - I think GFA serves a purpose for the organisers (as well as placating somewhat the "serious" runners) in that generally it fills a gap in the field between the elite and the rest. Squeezing it doesn't make much sense or pushing towards charity (as most wouldn't / couldn't do)

To be honest I think the London Marathon Company are relatively happy with the split at the moment. My sense is that broadly they think they have got the balance right between Clubs, Ballot, International, GFA and charity and not sure we will see any drastic changes.
May 2019
4:01pm, 3 May 2019
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Brasher looked irked rather than uncomfortable when spoken to by the RW 7:30 pacer [D/Mail] but the clip ran out before he replied.

I'm going to look at reaction in the RW forums.

Having finished last in a fell race [10 miles, 3 hr 20 min.], I was greeted quizzically by 2 rave officials who recorded my time and passed me a cup of orange. In my defence, my navigational skills were such that I could easily have got lost in a corridor.
May 2019
10:01pm, 5 May 2019
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Surrey Phil
I found this article in The Sun. On this occasion, I side with the runner as we've all probably had to do something similar. A bit embarrassing to be named as a cheat when you're finishing time is about what you'd expect being a club runner and you've clearly crossed all the timing mats when expected:
May 2019
11:13pm, 5 May 2019
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Yes, I agree, Phil. Maybe the cub reporters struggled to rake out the usual crop of mat dodgers. Holmfirth Harriers, a well respected and respectable club [I've run many of its races and know many members there] won't be delighted by the 'publicity' from what is, in essence, a non-story.
May 2019
9:38am, 6 May 2019
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Wine Legs
I won't click on a sun link...
May 2019
9:40am, 6 May 2019
14,758 posts
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Me neither.
May 2019
9:44am, 6 May 2019
22,386 posts
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Wriggling Snake
Runner has a wee during run shock horror.
May 2019
9:50am, 6 May 2019
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Is the crux of the matter honesty and also lack of planning.

The two being linked, be honest about the plans.

It doesn't take a genius to work out the 7 hr 30 mins PLUS 1 hr 10 minutes is going to result in the course being open for 8 hr 40 minutes.

If the course is open for x period of time be open and honest, don't agree a pacer that has been set up for failure.
May 2019
10:39am, 6 May 2019
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Surrey Phil
I eventually got around to seeing the interview with Victoria Derbyshire. Apart from an obviously upset pacer, there wasn't an awful lot that Hugh Brasher can do at this stage but apologise once again. Yes, there needs to be an investigation but the fact that similar stories have emerged from previous years, it makes you wonder if anything is going to be done about it.

I agree with you FR, that it is pretty obvious that the timing doesn't add up. Especially if you try and cram more runners into the event thus delaying the time the slower runners cross the start line.

Do they stop trying for record numbers and profit for their charitable trust and make the experience better for all? As a limited company, they have a year to work it out. Most of us in our jobs could agree on a solution in one two hour meeting!
May 2019
11:20am, 6 May 2019
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Fragile Do Not Bend
If I understand it correctly, the reason for record numbers this year wasn't the organisers trying for a record, but were due to an unusually high number of deferrals from last year and an unusually low number of people dropping out pre-race. Maybe the addition of slow pacers encouraged people who were injured to try and walk it instead of defer?

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Not everyone is a speedy one, some of us are slow and proud, and I was encouraged when I saw that Lo...

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