Race entry

2 watchers
Nov 2017
7:37pm, 25 Nov 2017
48 posts
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Three years ago I used to race a couple of times a month. Very often I would just turn up and enter on the day. I tried to enter four races for Spring next year and entries are closed with none available on the day! Is this the new trend? I know certain races always sell out very quickly but has racing become more popular over the last three years?
Nov 2017
8:01pm, 25 Nov 2017
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Surrey Phil
Races usually say whether race day entries are available, subject to availability, or not. Always best to enter in advance to...
1. Get in
2. Avoid the increase in the fee for race day entry
3. Avoid a wasted journey

The 10k I organise has seen an increase in race day entries. In 2015 (9), 2016 (14) and 2017 (25) people turned up on the morning to enter. As yet, we haven't turned anyone away but there's always a first time.
Nov 2017
8:52pm, 25 Nov 2017
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Very much I think, SR6 and since races are selling out people are diving in due to FOMO, which just worsens the problem.

The problem for runners that is: I imagine there's a lot of happy RDs out there.

I don't really want to enter any races months in advance in case circumstances change in whatever way and I can't do them. However I think there are quite a lot of people for whom the possibility of wasting money is far less of an issue than the possibility they might not get into a particular race.
Nov 2017
9:03pm, 25 Nov 2017
49 posts
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Thanks guys it's certainly looking as though you have to plan well in advance and hope you make it to the race!
Nov 2017
3:21pm, 26 Nov 2017
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Although I often enter races months in advance, I always check their transfer policy so that if I can't make the start I can transfer my entry to a friend.
Nov 2017
4:26pm, 26 Nov 2017
11,466 posts
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Social media doesn't help - a lot of races really push the early bird, don't miss out line - I agree, I'm not keen on entering races months in advance - especially 10ks and so on.
Dec 2017
10:05am, 3 Dec 2017
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Surrey Phil
If it's anything like ours, being a small event we don't want to overspend on medals, etc. if they're going to waste. Although the race licence isn't affected unless it exceeds its planned limit, things like knowing the number of runners' drinks and goody bags in advance does help. Who hasn't been at races where cups/drinks are being picked up off the floor and reused?

Apart from these, there's also the administration. The early bird does ease this considerably especially where a small team is involved.

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Three years ago I used to race a couple of times a month. Very often I would just turn up and enter ...

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