Organising my own race
7 watchers
May 2011
10:16am, 4 May 2011
1,886 posts
Doctor K
Myself and a friend used to organise a regular 10 mile walk in support of a lung cancer charity. A lot of it was on public paths over land owned by United Utilities (in the North West) . I can only say that they were always helpful and never once put any barriers in the way, on one occasion on Darwen Moor they even temporarily re-opened a closed path over a new pipeline that was being laid and left out a piece so we could walk through. That apparently is not the way tobuild a pipeline but illustrates what some organisations will do. Always approach with optimism ! |
May 2011
11:01am, 4 May 2011
24 posts
DeeGee, if you've not already seen it I'm doing a marathon survey (See Race discussion thread title "Marathon Survey") asking people what's most important to them in a marathon. It might be useful for you too... or go straight to the survey: |
May 2011
11:39am, 4 May 2011
5,815 posts
Forest Faerie
DeeGee - have you thought about contacting the LDWA (Long Distance Walking Association), they do a lot of low key challenge events (open to runners) that include the marathon distance. They don't have marshals to guide you round the course, just a list of directions and manned checkpoints every so often. |
Feb 2012
12:43pm, 22 Feb 2012
11,093 posts
I'm dragging this up again, as I've found a five mile off-road loop using public rights of way, with no obstacles other than a small, sturdy wooden footbridge which has a 1.2 mile off-road section from a free public car park - an ideal candidate for a marathon. A small part of it crosses a caravan park and the managers have raised no objections to a little race happening. I've e-mailed Foxy for his advice. If it happens it's going to be low-key, but I'll get it permitted and such if interest implies that it's a goer. The loop is about one mile through the holiday park, two miles across farmland, and two miles along the dunes. Obviously a table could be erected at the end of the loop. Would this be the sort of thing that people might like? Is there anything else I need to think of? |
Feb 2012
10:17am, 23 Feb 2012
11,103 posts
The answer to that last question is toilets! Oops! Back to the drawing board.
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