May 2012
2:04pm, 1 May 2012
9,917 posts
Naomi P
Nope, no more attempts for me, I'm done!
I'll just run my 3:30s vicariously if you don't mind.. Brighton's a good 'un for PBs.
May 2012
4:00pm, 1 May 2012
79 posts
AmGettingFitter (AGF)
Abingdon 2012 for my Attempt :o)
May 2012
4:51pm, 1 May 2012
408 posts
I'll keep popping my head in here every now and again to offer advice where I can (don't hold your breath). Having just scrapped under the target last weekend I'd like to achieve it again (preferably a bit more comfortably next time) but have no real desire to do it again this year. So I think my focus will be on shorter/quicker stuff for the foreseeable future.
May 2012
5:01pm, 1 May 2012
5,421 posts
♣BelleVueRacer♣ of Beartown
Hanging around until October - but might lurk 315 thread - delusional ?
May 2012
5:11pm, 1 May 2012
410 posts
With you HM PB I wouldn't say it was beyond the realms of possibility, however, haven't you been struggling with injury recently? Whether you target 3:15 in October or not, I think that thread is very useful for traiing tips etc so I'd say lurk away (I will be despite what I said above about maras this year ;-))!
May 2012
5:16pm, 1 May 2012
5,423 posts
♣BelleVueRacer♣ of Beartown
Thanks Nelly - I've had lung troubles (post pneumonia chest infection type illness, hence recent VLM DNS) - I reckon I'm fit enough to do 3.35ish now. I have to wait at least 7 weeks for Drs approval, need to get my training back on track (I tapered for VLM until 5 days to go when the dr said dont run) so would need a) a target marathon and B time to prepare.
At the moment I'm looking at Trail Marathon Wales (v hilly and doutbful to start due to other commitments) and Snowdonia Marathon Eryri (October), hilly but if I train for sub 315 I might pip 330.
My HM PB is old - 2008. I hope ro reach that level of fitness by September. My most recent HM was 1.37 - my chest problem didnt help
May 2012
6:52pm, 1 May 2012
2,336 posts
I've officially told coachlady that I want to go for sub 3:30 at Boddington on 1st July. I'm dreading the first sight of my new training plan....
May 2012
7:19pm, 1 May 2012
5,429 posts
♣BelleVueRacer♣ of Beartown
Good luck hbjb
May 2012
8:57pm, 1 May 2012
13,065 posts
Fenland Runner
You can do it, heebie, no doubt about it. Won't be easy, but you've got what it takes
May 2012
12:27am, 2 May 2012
4,253 posts
Lurk where you like I say! I've been hanging around the 2:45 thread with the occasional random post since last year LOL