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The sub 3.30 marathon thread

191 watchers
May 2012
10:49am, 11 May 2012
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I would do 1 month or 2 or 3 - if you are still improving no need to change. When that levels out I would work on speed until about 12-10 weeks out (in that time i'd build up my long runs) and then jump into a program be that what it is. Careful things are to note - run very very easy unless it's meant to be a 'session'. Don't run through niggles etc. and stay healthy. No killer sessions are going to get you there it's consistency
May 2012
12:24pm, 11 May 2012
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AGF, my plan was a little mixed but focused mainly on base mileage, then about 6-8 weeks out I did 1 speed session per week, I also did progressive speed on long runs in 5 mile increments, so miles 16-20 were at PMP. Im not saying it was the perfect plan as I still struggled a bit from 22 miles (last mile was 8:43) but I felt alot better during the race and felt able to run again on the Wednesday after my narathon, which Ive never felt able to do before. Also, all my training was in the relative chill of winter/early spring, 20 miles in August/September will be a completely different proposition, one I am approching with aprehension this year as Im doing Leicester in October.
May 2012
12:32pm, 11 May 2012
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My improvement came about having changed nothing really but my mileage. Basically, on a four week cycle of 18-20-22-Recover instead of 16-18-20-Recover. That extra 2 miles has really helped push back the wall...
May 2012
1:02pm, 11 May 2012
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AGF - having had a quick look at your recent race history I would suggest you need to work on a combination of endurance and speed-endurance, in that order of priority. Your relatively recent 5k and 10m times would indicate to me you pretty already have the pace/speed to run a sub 3:30, but there is a significant drop of in your pace between your 10m and recent HM PBs, indicating a lack of endurance/speed-endurance.

I would suggest you need to get your HM PB below 1:40 (at least) before you can seriously target sub 3:30 marathon, although that could come as a by-product of increasing your endurance for a sub 3:30 by doing what Jon and DeeGee say above, rather than specific HM training.
May 2012
1:04pm, 11 May 2012
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That's interesting DeeGee. I tend to agree. Speed comes as an added bonus from endurance training, but endurance doesn't ever come from speed training. So I'd do base, endurance, bigger base etc before speed. Speedwork is icing on the cake, imho.

1. Run a bit
2. Do it regularly, consistently, building up gradually (that is build up number of runs per week, length of long run, and total mileage, all gradually, carefully).
3. Run a lot
4. Don't get injured (see 2. And rest. And do some cross train and core work. And get 3 x daily massage and professional physio and pampering. Or rest a bit.)
5. Everything else - speedwork, fartleks, tempos, intervals, short races, hill reps, yassoos, kenyans, MP, thresholds etc. All nice, but icing on the cake. Go bake your cake first.

Blah, blah. I think this is probably what everyone knows but doesn't like because they are looking for a magic bullet (not at you AGF btw, more at myself really). :-)G
May 2012
2:52pm, 11 May 2012
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AmGettingFitter (AGF)
Folks, thanks for the input. Confirms what I thought. My recent half is misleading as was done after a 7 mile warm up and run progressively as part of Brighton training. That said All the comments have confirmed that I need to do regular 40-50 mile weeks and gradually build the long runs. Some parkruns and smaller mixed in as tempo/fun will help mix it up. I agree with consistency bits too.

So thanks again for taking the time. Some good food for thought.

Another factor is to get to nearer 12 stone from current 13 :)
May 2012
3:23pm, 11 May 2012
11,801 posts
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How tall are you AGF?
May 2012
3:32pm, 11 May 2012
87 posts
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AmGettingFitter (AGF)
Not tall enough for my weight ;). 5'9-5'10
May 2012
3:35pm, 11 May 2012
11,802 posts
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Fair enough. A little weight off might help you, then. I'm six foot and between those two figures.
May 2012
3:35pm, 11 May 2012
1,690 posts
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Im 5ft10 and was 13 and half stone in December, I lined up at Brighton weighing in at 12 stone, that weight loss also really helped me, do it gradually though. Now trying to maintain that weight, thats the hard part!

About This Thread

Pop a message in the thread with an upcoming attempt and I'll add you to the side bar :)

2025 Sub 3:30 Attempts:

April 13th - Rotterdam, Netherlands - Hills of Death (HOD)
April 13th - Christchurch, New Zealand - Mark J
April 13th - Leipzig, Germany - Tipsku
April 27th - London - Aurburnette
April 27th - London - SailorSteve
April 27th - London - Solo
April 27th - Tissington trail - Riggys99
Oct 12th - Chicago, USA - Mark J

2024 Hall of Fame:

SailorSteve - London - 3:17:08 & Edinburgh - 03:24:09
auburnette - London - 3:28:47 & Valencia - 3:20:50
Tipsku - Leipzig, Germany - 3:27:26
Mark J - Christchurch, NZ - 3:12:24
MissingPhoenix - Chester - 03:28:40

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