Jan 2012
5:28pm, 22 Jan 2012
1,358 posts
Ha ha, you will likely be there about same time or before me Smouty friend.
T`is nice to socialise with more friendly folks here though sometimes I am sure.
That walk sounds like the morning after mara day walk pace
Jan 2012
8:49pm, 22 Jan 2012
10,836 posts
I'm happy.
I got out for a progressive 20 this morning, at about 8.40mm, but it was nice and progressive, in that much of the latter half was actually around PMP (faster or slower). Still got something in the tank, though.
I think I'm going to haver a pop at 72 minutes at Ferriby 10 next Sunday and see how that goes.
Jan 2012
9:19pm, 22 Jan 2012
3,531 posts
I think that walk was the Wee Man's 'marathon' pace! Poor kid - didn't want to go in the buggy so I refused to carry him till we were heading home
Good stuff DeeGee A few more weeks before I hit 20 an hoping there's more in the tank for me too! Have fun with the 10 when it's time
Jan 2012
6:17am, 23 Jan 2012
12,011 posts
Fenland Runner
Read another interesting part of Noakes last night, basically he suggested that all pre-conceived training plans are flawed unless you have a feedback loop. His point was that any training needs to be monitored and assessed, then appropriately modified. One bad example of training was to follow a plan religiously for, say, four months without any feedback and then moan about failing to hit the target (BTW he rated chance of failure very high with this method). Constant monitoring and finding out what works for you, coupled with breaking down any big target into mini targets that can be evaluated, is highly recommended. Evaluation period to be no more than one month. Depending on your target race, a parkrun could be the litmus test.
Jan 2012
8:17am, 23 Jan 2012
3,533 posts
Totally agree with that. Also just think everyone is different an reacts in different ways an have 'life' going on around them. I've never follow training plans other than my own very fluid ones I get general ideas from them but have never really believed in following a plan. As you say you need feedback an I think you need to learn for yourself and understand what the effect is on your body. I also just work with knowledge I have from running an being coached / training with adults (albeit mainly track) when I was wee.
I love Parkrun for feedback an a couple a month can replace the need for speedwork too so bonus!
I've discovered I am better with way less complete rest days than I used to think otherwise it actually makes issues with lethargy an stiffness worse. I think it is a benefit/outcome from a better base an really wasn't the case a few years ago.
Today's speed work is being binned / moved to be replaced with a general run a see how my tight calves are in a couple of days
I'm sure I have the Lore under my bed.... Borrowed from a friend who doesn't miss it lol
Jan 2012
9:50am, 23 Jan 2012
1,627 posts
I managed another sub-3:30 yesterday at Gloucester - 3:29:06. Last one for a while probably as it's all multiple marathons for the next couple of months. Might have another crack at the Milton Keynes Mara on April 29th.
Keep the hard work up folks - it's great when it pays off!
Jan 2012
10:04am, 23 Jan 2012
17,132 posts
This thread has really got some momentum now. Good to see (nothing to do with Smout increasing the average post rate and words per post by about 2,000%?! )
Totally agree with her and Naomi and FR's and everyone's really good advice. Like the Noakes' reminder too of checking and adjusting the plan, both for performance and tiredness/injury risk too, I would say. Nothing to add tho, really.
I have done a P&D round where nearly all my running was at least 60s and sometime more, slower than PMP and still got my 3:12. I fitted in maybe 3 Long Runs with like Naomi described maybe 5 miles or 8 miles at PMP. But all rest was at 8:30 or 9:00 or more min/mile.
I also think you can build up distance/endurance or pace, but not both at same time. P&D has you doing it in cycles e.g. 4 weeks distance/endurance, 4 weeks aerobic, 4 weeks speed etc Others do 6 months just base (e.g. Hadd) then MP based speed/sharpening up etc. But trying to cram in 12 weeks building up from under 25 mpw and under 15 mile long run, to 30 or more mpw and 20+ mile long run AND doing lots of pace work, doesn't work, imho.
Unless you're you and a nearly national standard athlete like Smoutlet, of course!! :-)G
Jan 2012
10:05am, 23 Jan 2012
17,133 posts
*you = young. D'oh! :-)G
Jan 2012
10:50am, 23 Jan 2012
3,534 posts
Good stuff emdee I'm v impressed with you an Pricey
LOL :)G I wasn't always here. I was was a wee, fat (5 ft 4, 13.5 stone) occasional smoking Stella monster in May 2007 a year before my 1st marathon having not run all that much for over 10 years did a vague gym bunny thing for a while an a half hearted attempt at running from about 2002 - 2004 ish but then immersed myself in alcohol an took a few years to resurface. Must dig out the photo that made me realise I had to stop blimpafying!
Jan 2012
10:52am, 23 Jan 2012
212 posts
:-)G LOL about Smout's post rate and word count. Having said that, I for one am thankful for her for helping to maintain the thread momentum.
I must admit, I’d never heard of “Noakes” before it was mentioned on here, but have just added to my wish list.
In line with the discussion above regarding receiving feedback and reviewing targets during training, I ran the (Helsby) Four Villages Half Marathon yesterday to see where my fitness is currently having spent the past few months gradually building my mileage and now three weeks into my 16 week VLM schedule. Whilst I believed I was in close to PB shape, I didn't expect such a dramatic improvement of PB'ing by over 3 minutes. Other than the time, the most pleasing things were I felt strong throughout, despite the wind and the undulations, and only two people overtook me in the second half, whilst I was catching people throughout.
This was achieved predominantly on the back of marathon training, with four HM pace runs (of no longer than 4miles effort) in the past three weeks.
Originally I was planning to aim for about 3:40 to 3:45 at VLM, but now I wonder whether it is worth aiming for 3.30, which I thought would be a longer term goal?