Sep 2021
7:03am, 14 Sep 2021
10,787 posts
But it’s completely meaningless without a chance for the best in the world to enter.
Or else I’m going to win the world over-50 5k road race title the next time I go out for a jog. Got to be in it to win it, losers!
There already is a international masters athletics organisation that organises world champs in T&F.
Sep 2021
7:04am, 14 Sep 2021
10,788 posts
And there’s already a UK masters champs, often at Yorkshire or Chester marathons.
Sep 2021
6:31am, 19 Sep 2021
723 posts
I got the okay to run from the podiatrist on Friday. Diagnosis is possible bone bruise or bursitis. She has added some padding to my shoe to keep the weight off the painful part of my foot and said no more long runs.
So this morning I went out for my last pre marathon race - 10 mile club championship. Massive pb (by more than 2 minutes) which I am attributing to the unplanned taper of this week.
My time was 1hr 8m 34s so I think the 3:15 is a definite possibility in three weeks time.
Sep 2021
6:32am, 19 Sep 2021
724 posts
On the downside it has been hot today (28 degrees).
Sep 2021
7:52am, 19 Sep 2021
5,664 posts
Joe Hawk
Definitely in the right ball park njo, nice run.
Sep 2021
9:48am, 19 Sep 2021
15,428 posts
Excellent stuff njo.
Sep 2021
7:37pm, 19 Sep 2021
7,672 posts
Nicely done njo - 28 degrees is definitely hot. We visited far North Queensland in 2018 and the humidity made running rather unpleasant!
Sep 2021
7:59pm, 19 Sep 2021
4,070 posts
Nice work NJO. Take it easy over the next few days as you recover.
Sep 2021
9:02pm, 19 Sep 2021
3,308 posts
Top running njo - just get yourself to the startline now feeling fit and ready.
I'm quite glad Stirling was cancelled again as 3.15 is more likely to be my 20m time at the moment. Barely trained since July (some planned rest but mostly struggling to find time) and now every time i build a bit of steam, i'm derailed before i get a nosebleed
Sep 2021
2:13pm, 20 Sep 2021
18,425 posts
Well done njo...
Of course I'm the dissenter here who was running 1.07s and still failing to get under 3.15, but for most people it seems that's an accurate benchmark.
Here - I've become disillusioned and a bit semi-detached since crossing 25000. I did my first race in ages, a 7 miler, and it was so insanely horrible, that it made me doubt that I should even be running. It's downhill and flat with one horror mile long hill. The problem actually wasn't the hill, it was holding 7.30 pace on the flat, I couldn't do it, and more than that I didn't feel any motivation to do so. The hill briefly revived me (other people walking always helps), but then it was just back into suffering mode. It didn't feel comfortable from any marker, breathing, heart rate or just the thudding on tarmac. In the end it was a 4 minute PW on a course where I maintain a pretty tight 3 minute window over the last decade between 6.40 -7.10 pace. This time I was averaging 7.50 pace.
Which left me trying to bite off something less ambitious, York park run (which it turns out Bazo did 3 weeks ago). Despite no pressure, I felt worried I was going to feel that bad, or that unenthused again - I'd set an aim of staying in between 7-7.30 pace, forgot my running top so had to find the only other t-shirt I'd packed to run in. So I started someway down the field and was plodding at 9 minute pace for the opening quarter mile. Fortunately the very easy start allowed me to pick up to just under 7 minute pace , first two miles felt comfortable, last mile was a grind (probably because I took a lot of the first 2 at 6.30/6.40 pace), and I managed to summon a sprint to catch two people on the line. 21.43, which was better than expected. So at least a step in the right direction. Last year though I was managing 20.14, with one pacer in a timetrial.
Marathons feel a long, long way away, not even sure I could contemplate finishing one. Everything aches when I run, not sure where the fitness vanished to, I have been getting out regularly. It's mainly the aches though (hips, knees, sometimes hamstrings), they play with the mind while running isn't comfortable (but not painful) it just limits my desire to go far, or how to approach it. I'm pondering if it's some sort of chronic inflammation from 25000+ miles, I take Ibuprofen afterwards and I feel much better, but that is not a good habit to get into. So my gut feeling is keep it short and light currently and dial things back (although this is a low mileage year already by my standard). Anyone else any thought or had similar issues at times in their running careers?