Dec 2019
2:06pm, 3 Dec 2019
245 posts
P+D for me starting on 16 December for Boston UK. Going to try the upto 75 miles plan but giving myself the option of taking one of the recovery runs out between night shifts
Good news about the knee
Dec 2019
2:42pm, 3 Dec 2019
4,393 posts
Windsor Wool
thanks for that insight Cam. Very interesting, I think most folks find that they need to slow down when they being to train to HR.
That's probably one of the reasons I don't train to HR
I'm starting my plan after Xmas. Doing some revision ahead of that though so that it's not too much of a shock when the time comes - trying to get the plan structure in over the next few weeks but not quite the mpw.
Dec 2019
3:10pm, 3 Dec 2019
246 posts
Got it
Dec 2019
3:11pm, 3 Dec 2019
247 posts
Oops that was posted in the wrong place sorry
Dec 2019
4:29pm, 3 Dec 2019
33,499 posts
Merry Christmas & Happy New G(rrr)
Got it
Dec 2019
9:05pm, 3 Dec 2019
3,175 posts
34 week plan set by online coach as an endurance base to my return to marathons next autumn At the moment i'm just planning how much weight i can put on during the festive period, it's all about the small goals in life ...
Dec 2019
9:19pm, 3 Dec 2019
445 posts
First interval session today since Chester which I didn't realise until afterwards. Have been enjoying a midweek tempo of 8/9 miles which has taken the place of speedwork. 6 x 1km and after an opening 3:48 the other five came in at a couple of seconds +/- 3:40 so not lost much speed and held the pace to the final rest off 75 seconds recovery.
Going to use December to get the midweek tempo up to 11/12 miles and the weekend long run up to 15/16 miles then hit a full 12 week plan from 6th Jan.
Not got a half planned as yet so may do a 10k on 1st March and do a hard tempo effort afterwards to try and compensate the reduced mileage effort. This would then free up March to hit the long runs with MP I'm looking to achieve.
House move all booked in for 20th December so any mileage between now and then is a bonus especially getting out on a Sunday to delay packing. Nice and settled in by the time January comes.
Dec 2019
9:43pm, 3 Dec 2019
1,165 posts
Shortcut Cam
Wow, I thought 26 weeks was a long plan Stoosh, good luck with the return.
Dec 2019
9:56pm, 3 Dec 2019
3,176 posts
I should fess that it's around 34 weeks until the Lakeland 100 which is the A-race next year. I plan to make a return to the roads after that with an autumn marathon being a buildup to a pb attempt the following year. I remember how broken i was following my first whw race and the lengthy time it takes to recover and find any sort of speed in the legs so very realistic as to the possible times i'll be able to run in shorter than ultra races!
Dec 2019
8:11am, 4 Dec 2019
33,504 posts
Merry Christmas & Happy New G(rrr)
Lakeland 100 is WHW (95) + 50% Stoosh! I trained nearly 2 years for WHW! However, you're also a better athlete than me!
Loving the 2020 planning going on. My P&D 18 week, baby 55 mile plan for Windermere doesn't start until 14 Jan. But as I don't really follow the plan (I put it there to remind me of what I'm not doing! ) no real change. Reduced mileage with visitors at Christmas probably, though I'll still get out a bit. G