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The Sub 3:15 Marathon Thread

334 watchers
Aug 2017
3:31pm, 23 Aug 2017
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Chris, I am not getting blootered every day, but I do 're-hydrate' over the course of the day. Certainly consume more on hol than normal. However I was seeing better HR stats while on holiday and having a few pints every day while the HR has been higher since home and I haven't had a drop since the flight on Saturday night.
Aug 2017
3:41pm, 23 Aug 2017
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@CW / @HG - I think for novices like me, if I ever did an intervals session I would "warm up" for at most a single mile, run the intervals then stop. So I'd agree with CW's assessment that a session which includes intervals within a prescribed bundle of other miles will feel a little "odd" to me when I'm doing it tonight too. It's perhaps just a function of not really training "properly" before and definitely being slack with warm ups and warm downs, but I'd not come across intervals of about 5k total being included in an expectation of covering 10 miles before, but that's what I'm doing tonight as per the P&D plan!
Aug 2017
3:46pm, 23 Aug 2017
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Yep me neither, but my stats improve when I completely forsake alcohol for 6 weeks. It takes about 2 weeks for any dietary change to take effect I find too. So 2 weeks no difference, then after that steady improvement.
Aug 2017
4:09pm, 23 Aug 2017
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Larks, I think there's just something about 3-5K of effort with no other miles for *marathon* training is just... meh! But then, I'm used to doubles (or even triples!) in a day now, with commute running and stuff. So I sometimes run to a thing (track, parkrun etc.) or run to and from the gym, so the "general" miles are naturally wrapped around the "quality" sessions.

I just do that cos I like to run rather than drive when I can. But I do think (again, specifically for marathon training) the general volume of miles and sessions on top of miles, and miles on top of sessions, does help with overall endurance and resilience, the qualities needed from miles 20-26! :-) G
Aug 2017
4:38pm, 23 Aug 2017
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Yep, I'm sure that's true and I'm no longer thinking of slow miles being junk miles so I'm happy to include those miles rather than skip them. It'll just be a bit different.
Aug 2017
4:52pm, 23 Aug 2017
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Oscar the grouch
Couple of observations from me...

Intervals wrapped in a 6-7 mile run do me good but I always do them in a group (last night was 7x700 - weird distance but cool - at just under 6 min miling). Therefore my problem is not speed but speed endurance, which is possibly the opposite to some of you guys?

Can't remember (too lazy to check) who asked about pacers (Larks?). Anyway, be really careful as they can often start out a bit quick and gain a buffer which can completely wreck you. Also, there is always a bit of a crowd around them, so maybe just keep them in sight rather than in your pocket!!
Aug 2017
5:13pm, 23 Aug 2017
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So I did the session as:

Run to the track (just under 3 miles)
Intervals (5 x800m with 90secs rest)
Run back to the car (just under 3 miles)

The run to the track was at GA pace and the run back was slower than recovery pace (I was knackered). I guess the warm up and cool down are just miles in the legs. At this moment in time I guess all the miles are just to build endurance.
Aug 2017
5:15pm, 23 Aug 2017
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I am doing 5 x 1200 reps tomorrow but circumstances dictate they are done before work. I wll do 3 miles WU to the meadows which is a flat circuit, do the intervals then about 2 miles cool down and will be about 9 in total. This tends to work, but the intervals will be solo. I always find I do them better if I can do them in a group - but that would have been Tuesday night which didn't work for me
Aug 2017
5:22pm, 23 Aug 2017
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Oscar the grouch
Mine are definitely way faster in a group. Can't do the speed on my own... intervals were 7x700 as I said with 90 seconds walk across to the 700 start as recovery (i.e about 50 metres)
Aug 2017
9:10pm, 23 Aug 2017
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Windsor Wool
Lark - I will try one more time, you are a HR trainer and there is no need to take an arbitrary target in to race day. Look at PtB's log for instance. He will run a session (MP or sub-LT) based on HR and check the pace. He'll then use the pace and not the HR as a target for race day. I believe your comment about HR-gurus ignoring the HR for race pacing to be incorrect if you approach it from this perspective. I have tried racing to HR and with so many variables on the day it's tough. It can be done though. I remember Clare doing it well at Brighton one year.

As for the feeling at the end of a marathon, for me it's like no other race distance I have done. Over 10k or HM there's just horrendous discomfort from the effort of being on the edge. In the mara there is the same feeling but only at the end unless you get it badly wrong (yes, done that). On top though is the sense of fatigue in all sorts of places from let's say 18 miles on. It can be anything: quads, calves, a stitch. All the kind of stuff that never really bothers you over shorter distances. You are going to love it...

I need to cut out the beer soon, shift a few pounds and get serious over September. Some sessions are coming out ok but I am short of long runs and race experience. I can't leave it all down to the shoes.

About This Thread

Maintained by Windsor Wool
For those who want to go sub 3.15 in a marathon and/or those that have already done it and want to give advice. Share your journey or help someone else's here.

2025 targets:
Charles - Ghent - 30 Mar
Mark J - Christchurch NZ - 13 Apr
riggys - Tissington - 27 Apr

2024 achievers:
Akie: 3:15 @ Rotterdam
allmatthew: 3:09 @ Manchester
Bowman: 3:01 @ Boras
Mark J: 3:12 @ Christchurch NZ
PJH92: 3:13 @ London
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