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The Sub 3:15 Marathon Thread

334 watchers
Aug 2017
11:08am, 23 Aug 2017
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Can it be worn as a head band at all?
Aug 2017
11:25am, 23 Aug 2017
27,224 posts
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The only accuracy on track training is to use a stop watch (i.e. your Garmin time). The track is accurately measured, the time is accurately measured, the GPS pace (based on GPS distance) is not.

I can't explain discrepancy of direction through GPS though larks. Maybe it's just that you are more efficient at a gradual climb than a steep climb. Actually, probably same for me. Same for most?

I wear my watch on left side Bazo, except for my old 310 which was so chunky it would bash my left (slimmer?) wrist, so I wore it on my right.. I *could* comment on people who write "there watches" :-P

This is week 6 - only 4 weeks of proper training left. What proper training?! :-) G
Aug 2017
12:16pm, 23 Aug 2017
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My sons left handed, recently got his first ever watch for his 21st and wears it on his left wrist....

LOL - HG, as you know my typing is not one of my strengths - bit like my running ;-)
Aug 2017
12:21pm, 23 Aug 2017
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I have some odd observations post holiday running.

I saw some really good stats while running in the heat. I was running between 8 and 8:30mm pace and my HR seemed to start very low before building up but the bpm stats were better than I see at home.

Ive now had 2 runs back in my normal climate and the HR stats are already higher and I don't see that low HR for the first mile or so. If anything I would have expected to see the lower HR in the cooler climate

My other observation is that the way I felt on my runs since back home is that sub 3 is now a long way off. having missed a weeks running with an overuse injury and then just running rather than following a plan for 2 weeks when on hols, I have felt pretty sluggish since being home. I know there are still over 6 weeks to go, and time for improvements, but as things stand I might need to revise my plans. Tomorrows intervals and Sundays MP miles will give me a better idea
Aug 2017
12:21pm, 23 Aug 2017
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I have a question for you Bazo - how much do you hurt in your best / worst marathons (and halfs and things too)?

I think I'm doing like 99% full, all out effort, but then someone comes past me and a I do a bit more, or the ol' sprint finish at end of a race. Or realise I'm missing my goal time and manage to pick it up a bit when I thought I was dead. Am I being lazy?

Also, early in a race, I think I'm doing a steady pace and going pretty hard. But when I'm passing people they often sound like they are breathing much heavier than me and really dying. My legs are usually screaming by the end of a half or marathon, but my breathing isn't too bad.

How close to the red line are you when you are racing? :-) G
Aug 2017
12:49pm, 23 Aug 2017
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Bazo - now that is weird! I would not have enough motor control in my right hand to hit the stop button at the end of races...

Humidity causing the higher HR or less rest?
Aug 2017
12:55pm, 23 Aug 2017
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Good question Happy G

Best marathon by time - 3:00:27. Hurt loads especially from 22 when I was into the red and I knew sub 3 was slipping away. I have asked myself if I could have done more and 2 x 6:47s at the end arguably would have been enough. However I couldn't have done any more - I gave that everything I had.

Best marathon by feeling - 3:09:xx and 81 second neg split, again I gave that all I could and actually I slowed in last few miles as I had arguably picked up pace too early in the 2nd half. That said if I had to I am sure I could have eeked a bit more out that day, but it wasn't ever going to be a PB and I was happy with the outcome

Worst marathon(s) - absolutely shot and no more to give due to overextending too early. Shuffled home

Best HM by time 1:23:59 - I had a killer stitch with a mile to go and should have been close to 1:23:30 but OMG the stitch stopped me in my tracks and I had to ease back before I managed to recover and pick up pace to nab sub 84. I was on the edge of the red line throughout

Best HM by feeling - The course was long and I should have had a sub 83 to my name. Bloody GSI Events. I never went fully into the red but could have a bit more but I knew the course was long and think I was 1:24:50 in the end

Worst HM - tough one as I haven't really had any bad HMs as such. I do recall one where I just broke 1:30 and in earlier weeks had run 1:28s on harder courses but I maybe set of for a 1:26 that was too ambitious

In summary, for HMs I seem to be able to find that red line and keep on just the right side of it but for marathons I don't yet have that control and go too fast such that I go into the red by when its too late to do anything about it. I suspect your sub 3 was judged a bit like my usual HM experience. Overall, while its easy to say I could have pushed a bit harder, I don't think I would have been capable of sub in my 2 x 3:00:xx marathons
Aug 2017
1:06pm, 23 Aug 2017
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Baz something isn't sitting right with me from I came back from holiday and running in the heat but I can't put my finger on it.

I wear my watch on my left wrist outside (right handed / left footed) but when I'm on the bike I've changed the face to the inside as buttons were being pressed by the gloves.
Aug 2017
1:06pm, 23 Aug 2017
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Peculiar HR stuff Baz. I was going to suggest altitude, but then looked at your holiday runs by the sea and realised that wasn't an issue! Maybe there's just something in the warm sea air and the lowered stress of holiday time that contributes to it. Diet of course will be different too.

I'm curious as to what "hurting" will feel like at the end of a marathon. The hardest I've worked I think was at the end of the Chester Metric in 2015 when I was struggling most memorably over the last mile in a way that I hadn't felt before - let's hope I can cover that same ground feeling better in a few weeks time! (I'm ignoring how I felt at the end of the Sandstone Trail as I'm not expecting to be on my feet at the 4.5 hour point when I started feeling unable to run any more!)

I very rarely have anything for a sprint finish, whether that is parkrun or a half. Maintain same pace to the finish, those few seconds rarely count too much and the placing certainly doesn't.
Aug 2017
1:21pm, 23 Aug 2017
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Re the holiday HR oddity, the only thing I am wondering is the last few days I had a bit of a sore throat thing going on which I put down to the air conditioning that Mrs Axe insisted on having on almost all night. However now I am home I think there is a wee bug lingering and hopefully if I shake that off then I see some different numbers

BS - re the left foor/right handed thing. When I was a lad there was a guy I knew who played cricket and bowled left handed, batted right handed and played golf left handed....

About This Thread

Maintained by Windsor Wool
For those who want to go sub 3.15 in a marathon and/or those that have already done it and want to give advice. Share your journey or help someone else's here.

2025 targets:
Charles - Ghent - 30 Mar
Mark J - Christchurch NZ - 13 Apr
riggys - Tissington - 27 Apr

2024 achievers:
Akie: 3:15 @ Rotterdam
allmatthew: 3:09 @ Manchester
Bowman: 3:01 @ Boras
Mark J: 3:12 @ Christchurch NZ
PJH92: 3:13 @ London
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