The Retirement Thread

5 lurkers | 175 watchers
May 2022
4:53pm, 27 May 2022
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I felt guilty at 'abandoning' my tutor group, most of whom had very tricky home lives and I'd been a constant in their lives for three years. But looked at objectively, their problems were far bigger than I had the capacity to solve and I'd given them my best shot. I left because it was time to look after me. Once I'd thought this through (often while out running in fact) I let go of the guilt.
May 2022
7:57pm, 27 May 2022
55,506 posts
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I filled in the on-line pension claim (it took about 2 minutes as I had a letter) on the 24th and got a letter today telling me how much I'll be getting when the time comes. :)
May 2022
10:33am, 28 May 2022
1,411 posts
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I've officially commenced my journey, albeit more of a "gear change" at present. I will be moving to 3 days/week in my day job in the next month or so (subject to a few details) and taking up financial coaching for the other two days. The plan is to fully transition at some point in the next 9-24 months. The coaching will never pay all the bills, but it's something I can do flexibly, from home, and I find it more rewarding.
May 2022
12:31pm, 28 May 2022
14,387 posts
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That sounds good, arbster.
May 2022
12:38pm, 28 May 2022
725 posts
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alpenrose - it's very efficient isn't it, once you're in the system.

I checked yesterday and I will be eligible for the winter heating allowance for winter 2022/23. I think that will be £100 plus the energy crisis grant just announced of £300.

It depends when your birthday is, so worth checking.
May 2022
12:43pm, 28 May 2022
58,231 posts
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Nice lifestyle decision, arbster :)

4 weeks wilfully unemployed for me now (apart from having worked two 6 hour Saturday sessions, and I have no more in the pipeline though I'd be willing to do a few over the summer if asked). It's flown by even though I've done very little. I've let my accountant know that my income this year is likely to be below the lower income tax threshold.
May 2022
12:52pm, 28 May 2022
661 posts
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Sounds like we've got a month to get as much advice out of Arbster as possible before he starts charging us for it ;-)
May 2022
1:02pm, 28 May 2022
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Johnny Blaze
I think the glide path approach to retirement is a good one if you are lucky enough to be able to do it. I did 3 years of on/off contracting before I finally quit for good, but a reduced working week is a good call as well.
May 2022
1:07pm, 28 May 2022
30,008 posts
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macca 53
I spent two years training my replacement which was rather like a long farewell tour 😁😁
May 2022
1:20pm, 28 May 2022
135,927 posts
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Johnny Blaze glide path? Reducing hours is that?

As I mentioned a couple of days ago my DCI has been posted so I’ve got a new boss to get used to soon. If that goes well - which is by no means guaranteed - I might consider easing into it with another year two days a week. I do four now for the most part - five day weeks are about once a month.

About This Thread

Maintained by Sigh
A place for baggy spaciousness: "The quality of time, soft attention and ease that we could enjoy 'doing nothing' "
(thanks to TheScribbler for the term (p1516)!)
( see also:
and )

Retirees Hall of Fame
star Jigs star (25.09.24)
Synge (30.08.24)
Silvershadow (02.08.24)
Hibeedeb (02.08.24)
Winniefree (08.07.24, 2nd attempt)
EvilPixie (24.06.24)
Snail (21.06.24)
GregP (14.06.24) (after part retirement 31.03.23)
Fizz :-) (13.06.24)
Jaks (15.05.24) (third time of retiring)
HellsBells (31.03.24) (orig. May 2018)
TROSaracen (07.02.24)(semi retired since mid 2019)
Hanneke (01.02.24)
Jenni-far-far (28.12.23)
FergusG (22.12.23)
Mrs Jigs (Luverlylegs) (11.12.23)
eL Bee! (30.11.23)
Lip Gloss (22.11.23)
jda (28.08.23)
RFJ (23.08.23)
Sigh (28.07.23)
Schnecke (end of school term 07.23)
Sharkie (05.07.23)
Ally-C (08.06.23)
Rebel (12.05.23)
CogNoscensme AHA (07.04.23)
Windsor Wool (05.04.23)
Bob! (30.03.23)
Velociraptor (21.03.23)
Garfield (provisional, 27.02.23) (see p.699)
ThorntonRunner (20.12.22)
MaltDrinker (30.07.21)
DoricQuine (15.06.21)
Mandymoo (21.05.21)
Eynsham Red (06.05.21)
GimmeMedals (31.08.20)
Steve NordRunner (01.08.19)
um (May 2017)
macca 53 (31.10.17)
XB (07.07.16)
Flatlander (November 2011)
Johnny Blaze
K5 Gus
Northern Exile
Nick Cook

[other names to follow, on request]

In the Waiting Lounge, with one eye on the door

Roobarb (20.12.2024)
dobbers (target: Dec 2024)

Marmite (01.01.25)
3M (05.01.25)
McGoohan (15.01.25)
Dillthedog (27.03.25 confirmed)
westmoors (31.03.25 confirmed)
Bazoaxe (June 2025)
B Rubble (June 2025)
geordiegirl (target: July 2025)
GeneHunt59 (target: July 2025)
RRR-CAZ (September 2025)
Bigleggy (target: December 2025)
HappyG (target: end of 2025 at the earliest)

Runningbauble21 (target: June 2026)
MadWelshWoman (target: Summer 2026)
cathrobinson (target: 2026 onwards)
OverTheHillToo (target: approx. 2026)

Diogenes (17.03.27)

Hills of Death (HOD) (April 2026-April 2030)
Gromit (July 2030)
CK2 (2030)

[other names to follow, on request]

Just browsing at the moment

Daz Love
DIY Diva

[other names to follow, on request]

Retirement Failures

Currently empty :-)

[other names to follow, on request]

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