The Retirement Thread

9 lurkers | 175 watchers
May 2022
2:44pm, 26 May 2022
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I have written previously that I was looking into an annuity, and was starting to apply for one. The annuity has now been set up and the first payment received.

For most on this thread, other options to an annuity will be better, but for me an annuity was a good choice. See for my reasoning, and the process I went through, which some of you may find helpful/relevant.

For me, delaying 10 years after my retirement before using my SIPP has helped because things have happened to me in the meantime which have increased the amount I get paid.
May 2022
5:11pm, 26 May 2022
14,492 posts
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No guilt here at all 😁
May 2022
5:24pm, 26 May 2022
2,249 posts
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Looks good flatlander.
May 2022
6:45pm, 26 May 2022
16,795 posts
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I don’t feel guilty either. I worked bloody hard for 40-something years and I deserve my early retirement.
May 2022
6:51pm, 26 May 2022
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Things have been pretty awful at work this week. The way things are developing any guilt I would have had when the time comes will have evaporated.

I was of a mind to give plenty advance warning so they could be prepared. Now I will give minimum notice albeit that’s three months. Unless they decide to let me go which as things stand may be something more likely to happen than it used to be. One can but hope

HG hope your letters throw something up. As it happens I am on a call with phoenix tomorrow albeit totally different par5 of the business. Also the perm job may be a good option even if less money if it comes with reasonable pension from employer. One of my reasons for not contracting was that although I could earn significantly more as a contractor, the overall benefits made it my preferred option.
May 2022
7:43pm, 26 May 2022
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I've spent today down in that there London at my sister's retirement event. She's spent the last 39 years as a Salvation Army officer (ordained minister). Working both in the UK and Belgium, Switzerland and Congo. Her years in Congo were fundamental to her work. Due to health issues and being the single parent of two boys with autism she's been based in the Africa department of the SA's International Headquarters in London for the last 15 years, and there were several tributes made to her.

It's clear that she was highly valued, but the take home from everyone was "we'll miss you, but you've earned your retirement, now go and enjoy it"
May 2022
8:55pm, 26 May 2022
135,855 posts
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Good story. Good cafĂ© too. My second favourite, for want of a better phrase, “charity cafe” behind The Place Below under St Mary Le Bow on Cheapside.
May 2022
9:24pm, 26 May 2022
4,288 posts
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I always particularly enjoyed the soup (and mince pies) at St Martins cafe in the crypt.
May 2022
8:10am, 27 May 2022
135,861 posts
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Ooh good shout.
May 2022
10:39am, 27 May 2022
2,478 posts
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"we'll miss you, but you've earned your retirement, now go and enjoy it"

says a lot - how appreciated she is, and their fondness for her wishing her the best in the future.

About This Thread

Maintained by Sigh
A place for baggy spaciousness: "The quality of time, soft attention and ease that we could enjoy 'doing nothing' "
(thanks to TheScribbler for the term (p1516)!)
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Retirees Hall of Fame
star Jigs star (25.09.24)
Synge (30.08.24)
Silvershadow (02.08.24)
Hibeedeb (02.08.24)
Winniefree (08.07.24, 2nd attempt)
EvilPixie (24.06.24)
Snail (21.06.24)
GregP (14.06.24) (after part retirement 31.03.23)
Fizz :-) (13.06.24)
Jaks (15.05.24) (third time of retiring)
HellsBells (31.03.24) (orig. May 2018)
TROSaracen (07.02.24)(semi retired since mid 2019)
Hanneke (01.02.24)
Jenni-far-far (28.12.23)
FergusG (22.12.23)
Mrs Jigs (Luverlylegs) (11.12.23)
eL Bee! (30.11.23)
Lip Gloss (22.11.23)
jda (28.08.23)
RFJ (23.08.23)
Sigh (28.07.23)
Schnecke (end of school term 07.23)
Sharkie (05.07.23)
Ally-C (08.06.23)
Rebel (12.05.23)
CogNoscensme AHA (07.04.23)
Windsor Wool (05.04.23)
Bob! (30.03.23)
Velociraptor (21.03.23)
Garfield (provisional, 27.02.23) (see p.699)
ThorntonRunner (20.12.22)
MaltDrinker (30.07.21)
DoricQuine (15.06.21)
Mandymoo (21.05.21)
Eynsham Red (06.05.21)
GimmeMedals (31.08.20)
Steve NordRunner (01.08.19)
um (May 2017)
macca 53 (31.10.17)
XB (07.07.16)
Flatlander (November 2011)
Johnny Blaze
K5 Gus
Northern Exile
Nick Cook

[other names to follow, on request]

In the Waiting Lounge, with one eye on the door

Roobarb (20.12.2024)
dobbers (target: Dec 2024)

Marmite (01.01.25)
3M (05.01.25)
McGoohan (15.01.25)
Dillthedog (27.03.25 confirmed)
westmoors (31.03.25 confirmed)
Bazoaxe (June 2025)
B Rubble (June 2025)
geordiegirl (target: July 2025)
GeneHunt59 (target: July 2025)
RRR-CAZ (September 2025)
Bigleggy (target: December 2025)
HappyG (target: end of 2025 at the earliest)

Runningbauble21 (target: June 2026)
MadWelshWoman (target: Summer 2026)
cathrobinson (target: 2026 onwards)
OverTheHillToo (target: approx. 2026)

Diogenes (17.03.27)

Hills of Death (HOD) (April 2026-April 2030)
Gromit (July 2030)
CK2 (2030)

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Just browsing at the moment

Daz Love
DIY Diva

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Retirement Failures

Currently empty :-)

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