The Official Unofficial Book Group Book Discussion thread

3 lurkers | 60 watchers
Mar 2020
9:56am, 4 Mar 2020
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Little Nemo
Virago republished all her books in the 80s and I read most of them. All of them are great but I really loved A Game of Hide and Seek and The Sleeping Beauty. She's got a great style, feels very "English" in a good way :-)
Mar 2020
9:56am, 4 Mar 2020
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Listening to audiobooks in the car and when walking, and using Kindle on the iPad when going to bed doesn't leave me much time for reading physical books these days. "If On A Winter's Night A Traveller" is being neglected. The Kindle reads tend to be a bit lighter, crime fiction and the like. I find I get very sleepy after 20 minutes and end up reading the same page over and over again between nodding off and waking up, often going into a dream and then wondering why the story has taken such a strange turn. The book I am reading at the moment, I can't even remember the name of it. It's not bad, it's just negligible.

(It's called Tuned Out and is by Keith A Pearson)
Mar 2020
10:06am, 4 Mar 2020
43,677 posts
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Keith: A Person, most boring autobiography ever
Mar 2020
10:51am, 4 Mar 2020
45,676 posts
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There was a maths teacher at my school called Keith Pearson
Mar 2020
11:00am, 4 Mar 2020
43,680 posts
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We had a Physics teacher called Mr Pearson actually. I don't know his first name but I do know that he was a total bell-end.
Mar 2020
11:36am, 4 Mar 2020
25,722 posts
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Wriggling Snake
I had 4 maths teachers in my time at comp., Mrs Ellis who was German and smelled very bad, Mr Davis who thought he was well cool and used to take us to England Football Internationals, Mr Davies who was a Cambridge Gradate who wanted to do his bit for the working class, and Mr Clapper, who, quite obviously we called Crapper. Somehow I got an A Level.
Mar 2020
1:36pm, 4 Mar 2020
33,470 posts
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Going back

I've heard of Elizabeth Taylor the writer and always thought of giving her a go

I have also heard of Elizabeth Taylor who I'm told was an actress ;)
Mar 2020
1:37pm, 4 Mar 2020
45,687 posts
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I always want to call the writer Robert Burton (The Anatomy of Melancholy) Richard Burton.
Mar 2020
1:49pm, 4 Mar 2020
33,471 posts
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Most of us have a name that's shared with someone who writes. Mine is a British lady and is usually about horses. She's more successful in USA.
Mar 2020
7:14pm, 4 Mar 2020
33,796 posts
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I don't :)

About This Thread

Maintained by Diogenes
Unofficial books, underground discussion, MASSIVE SPOILERS.

Some of the most discussed books include:

Piranesi by Susanna Clarke
(mind-bending mystery with halls and statues)

The Thursday Murder Club by Richard Osman (geriatric murder mystery from Britain's tallest comedic brainbox)

The Salt Path by Raynor Winn
(Memoir of a homeless couple walking the SWCP)

Milkman by Anna Burns
(Superlative prize-winning fiction)
Hive link:

The Player Of Games by Iain M. Banks (Sci-Fi)
Hive link:

The Watchmaker of Filigree Street by Natasha Pulley (weird steampunk)
Hive link:

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