Feb 2020
8:45pm, 26 Feb 2020
19,344 posts
I haven't read any R. F. Delderfield. *makes note to investigate* Nearly finished A Simple Story. It's an odd book. It could have finished - though very abruptly - at the end of Volume II (it originally came out in 4 volumes, all now bound into one 300-page paperback); Volume III picks up 17 years later, and is mostly about the next generation of people.
Feb 2020
8:16pm, 27 Feb 2020
45,476 posts
Chapter 3 of If On A Winter’s Night A Traveller. (IOAWNAT)
Feb 2020
6:59am, 28 Feb 2020
118,206 posts
I loved ioawnat but remember nothing about it, for it was a long time ago
Feb 2020
7:08am, 28 Feb 2020
43,580 posts
I read it last year. True story.
Feb 2020
7:35am, 28 Feb 2020
45,483 posts
I think you’ll find it was a different book with a different protagonist.
Feb 2020
7:41am, 28 Feb 2020
43,582 posts
But it was written by the same man, or someone like him... I think it might have been translated into another language and then retold... anyway, I'm trying to track it down...
Feb 2020
9:40am, 28 Feb 2020
10,135 posts
Little Nemo
I get it confused with a book by Orhan Pamuk that has a similar style.
Feb 2020
10:09am, 28 Feb 2020
33,449 posts
He intrigues only his surname starts with my first name. Any suggestions as to one of his books to read first.
Feb 2020
10:10am, 28 Feb 2020
15,773 posts
Which one are you thinking of LN? "A new life" ? where a book so magical if anyone reads it, it changes their life? That's definitely been compared to Calvino.
Feb 2020
10:22am, 28 Feb 2020
15,774 posts
Pamuk is interesting because his style varies quite (or perhaps his translators - but he's had a consistent one for a while). So "My name is red" is perhaps his most famous, but can take a little getting into, whereas "Snow" is easy to read, but not consistent (or as rewarding) with his others. Currently reading "A strangeness in my mind" which is good but quite longwinded evocation of Istanbul. So I'd suggest that start with whichever one sounds intriguing, as I'm not convinced he has on obvious "gateway" book.