The Great Bigleggy Sunflower Growoff

33 watchers
Apr 2018
7:50pm, 29 Apr 2018
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I have planted some seeds with the class I’m currently doing supply teaching with. Bit of a risk (;)) because I don’t know if I will still be there next term. Might plant some more at home too.
Apr 2018
7:50pm, 29 Apr 2018
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Eynsham Red
Repotted my two yesterday.
Apr 2018
1:32pm, 30 Apr 2018
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I'm at the 'potting on' stage - need to get that done this week.
May 2018
9:07am, 4 May 2018
38,206 posts
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I can see one little shoot poking out from my soggy egg box of compost :) It probably helps that eL Bee! got fed up being freezing and put the central heating back on, and there's a radiator under the windowsill.

I'll start off my other packet of seeds this weekend. Tempted to try planting some seeds directly outside, because I have a vacant pot after pulling up some tulips that are too exhausted to flower any more, but I'm not confident enough that we won't get another frost.
May 2018
9:26am, 4 May 2018
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Wine Legs
Most of my planted ones have been eaten by slugs, despite the generous sprinkling of slug pellets. *sigh* it all started so well...
May 2018
10:42am, 4 May 2018
41,121 posts
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Fierce and Focused Fleecy
My outdoor ones have finally started peeking through at the allotment, I might stick some in a propagator too...
May 2018
11:23am, 4 May 2018
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WL I protect my seedlings with a ring of copper tape (Wilko or Poundland) around a plastic (:-o) tube (e.g. 2 litre bottle with top & bottom removed). I've made quite a few of these to protect sunflowers, tomatoes, clematis shoots - it's not 100% mollusc-proof but it does help. I also use nematodes each spring to decimate the young slug population developing underground.

Mine are a mixed bunch right now but time to get them in large pots which will be their final home; the obvious place for them in the ground is about to get reworked and won't be ready for another month or so.
May 2018
11:43am, 4 May 2018
19,293 posts
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Just been to inspect the troops. I have:

three tiddlers still in pots (but outside)
two in a massive pot, sitting by the washing line post, hopefully destined to grow up it.
two in the ground near the shed, ditto
two in Bedford, still in a pot, but needing more room soon.
three over at The Boy's mums house in a pot on the windowsill (the only ones still indoors, and perhaps the biggest and hairiest as a result)
May 2018
11:46am, 4 May 2018
1,829 posts
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Elsie Too
Mine are still inside but looking stronger. I might move the pots outside this weekend.
May 2018
1:46pm, 4 May 2018
6,140 posts
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Elsie - not too quick. Bring them in overnight for a while. Let em get used to being outside and harden up a bit before kicking them out :-)

Haven't touched mine this week. But they'll get potted on this weekend

About This Thread

Maintained by bigleggy
OK - this years Competition.

The Roolz

1. Begins when you can
2. Ends September 4th
3. Biggest one wins

4. Disasters are to be posted so we can all laugh/commiserate/laugh at them

5. All forms of growing aids are allowed. There's no drug testing in this competition so if you find the Lance Armstrong of Sunflowers - grow it and win !

6. Bigleggy always wins ;-)
7. As the national flower of Ukraine is the Sunflower, the Russian Giant variety is banned.

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  • challenges
  • garden
  • sunflowers

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