The Environment Thread :-)

58 watchers
Dec 2021
1:10pm, 27 Dec 2021
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My calculations have always come out roughly in line with what I was being charged, barring the fact they seem to make it so complicated to work out.
But I would often get estimated bills despite sending in regular readings.

I only get one bill every 6 months.
We have had that meter from 'zero' as the house was on a pre-pay key meter when we first moved in and we had a credit meter installed.

We are using more electric at the moment as it's so cold we might pop the heater on for a bit, where as in the summer of course there is no heater, the water pumps are all switched off and we don't need the bathroom heater to have a shower. I was using about £14 a week, even in October.

I understand they will need to gather data for a while to get an actual average before any billing adjustments can be made.

I couldn't find any useful info on the EDF website, so though I would ask on here where people actually have Smart meters.
Dec 2021
2:31pm, 27 Dec 2021
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I have a smart meter put in when I was with EON. I moved to EDF but they said they couldn’t use my smart meter and now that are asking that I get one installed. All a bit daft. With EON it was pretty straight forward. Direct debts and I could see where. My actual spend was against it.
Dec 2021
2:39pm, 27 Dec 2021
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I'm with Scottish Power and you can see your yearly usage on graphs and power for the year and when demand was highest, as you could with EON.

And of course they do run it to their advantage, they will peg direct debit hikes at higher than they need to be (and you can usually argue them slightly down), and you can accrue big credits - I once accrued £700+ by not checking for a couple of busy years.
Dec 2021
5:37pm, 27 Dec 2021
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I ran up a £1200 credit when I first moved here and they refused to adjust down payments and offset my credit. I took it to the ombudsman, as I was paying something like £200/month while actually consuming about £45...
Dec 2021
5:38pm, 27 Dec 2021
83,639 posts
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They then had to pay me the credit... They insisted they needed it as guarantee towards future soending!!!
Dec 2021
5:48pm, 27 Dec 2021
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We've always found ours to be quite reasonable when we argue for lower payment or against their suggested increase. I suspect we were using much less than the previous occupants as the original suggestion when we moved in (and kept the same supplier) was about double what we actually spent.

However they went bust recently (Bulb) so who knows what the future may bring.

Nothing to do with smart meters though, we don't have one. Just a regular monthly payment which gave us a better deal than a pay-as-you-use meter reading.
Dec 2021
6:26pm, 27 Dec 2021
16,975 posts
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We 3Ms of Orient Are
We have a smart meter. Installed 3 months before the supplier (Pure planet) went bust. So I have no idea if it'd doing a good job or not, really.

But it's electricity,and we need it, so ce la vie!
Dec 2021
7:56pm, 27 Dec 2021
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Merry Christmas and Happy NewG(rrr)
The fact that you can see by the half hour when you are using electricity is really useful and interesting. I can see instantly when my wife leaves the outside lights on (less efficient than the LED bulbs in house). And how much cheaper it is to run the washing machine at 1am than during day etc. :-) G
Jan 2022
4:14pm, 6 Jan 2022
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Right, I've just bought a saw and stand for cutting up my tree trunks by hand - who needs a gym?!

I have sort of given myself a very concrete target because we have run out of logs for the fire and if I don't cut up these trunks and dry them (they really need a year, but we'll survive the winter! They'll be dry by next year) then no fire!

Didn't want a chainsaw anyway. I don't like power tools. So this will be a form of meditation and exercise at same time. Lovely over summer as it gets a bit warmer. Bit tricky at mo in the snow and rain and cold and wind! Hey ho!

And I know burning wood isn't very eco, but we do have a lot of dead wood lying around. There's will still be plenty for the bugs and fungus and small mammals by the way. Chopping what we've got is still better than buying in stuff that is grown, chopped and dried, then delivered on a truck! :-) G
Jan 2022
4:28pm, 6 Jan 2022
11,655 posts
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If you’re careful a chainsaw really works a whole lot better. Unless you’ve really got hours to devote to it.

About This Thread

I've seen environment (whether emissions, power, climate change, access to countryside, whatever you think of as "environment") discussed in various threads: Politics (obviously), the Electric Car thread , run free's excellent "Competitive Running and Keeping The Environment Clean" my own Greta Thunberg thread etc. but I haven't seen a general one.

So here it is. For those interested in the science, the politics, the action for (and I'll state that for me, this is mostly pro-environment, anti-emissions, anti-pollution etc.) and the hope for the future of our planet.

Useful links posted by contributors:
rf_fozzy: This is quite a good article about how disruptive technology works too:
Basically about why Kodak completely missed the boat when it came to digital cameras
run free's Grand Designs example Ben Laws is a man who built his dream:
Carbon Commentary

Useful Links

FE accepts no responsibility for external links. Or anything, really.

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