Oh Dipps (((( )))) It makes me so angry that the people that should be there to help (GP, CAMHS) either don't or can't. I hope the long weekend helps a bit xx
Thanks I had to go for a very long walk last night as worry was making me angry as well as tearful. I feel so alone and helpless and any emotion is so threatening for her
Oh Dipps, it's so hard. There is so much WORK involved in trying to hold it in so as not to risk upsetting others. You did the right thing in getting out.
Oh Dipps I remember that feeling well. I know you feel helpless but being there and trying to understand and support is so very helpful.
A colleague just shared this recording around EBSA which might be of interest to some of you. I haven't watched it myself but it's from the Anna Freud centre and recommended by an Ed Psych colleague so should be good quality.
She worked so hard today at school and a few teachers and the head of year said it was good I was helping, which is cheering. 13 days left of this term, a surprise result from reading some of the Naomi Fisher tweets to her is she has started her own sticker chart. Ironically obvs but amusement is as good a motivator as any
I did watch the slides but I was at a low point. When they talked about separation anxiety as a possible cause I cried and felt to blame and I’m not sure it helped at 50% attendance to know how much she is at severe end and i felt helpless about the cycles of behaviour too as it feels like a treadmill we can’t get off. I am sensitive to professions talking about Caesarians and lack of breast feeding as a cause of separation anxiety too, they might as well lean over chattily and say it’s because I’m a failure as a woman. Cheers. But I feel a bit more rounded today. Her report was really good for all that, above average attitude to learning and due to pass everything, parents eve next week risks a few pushing for her to be in more which is going to rattle all of us. Working myself up to talking to head of year about it, to try and ensure a gentle and positive tone
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