Sep 2020
1:19pm, 30 Sep 2020
32,608 posts
He won't starve - he just might not have a fantastically balanced diet.
Dipps I'm not sure who schools are designed for any more.
Sep 2020
2:32pm, 30 Sep 2020
1,563 posts
If it's a fortified cereal, it's probably not too bad.
Sep 2020
3:29pm, 30 Sep 2020
7,904 posts
DS2 been sent home from school as one of his friends has tested positive. 1 of 60 self-isolating, so here we go again
Sep 2020
4:28pm, 30 Sep 2020
21,283 posts
Oh no CStar.
Daughter 2 safely installed at Loughborough. Fingers crossed it's all ok and she gets the F2F teaching on her timetable. We did say last night it would almost be better for Covid to go through the whole student population in a few weeks, then they can just get on with more normal life, but without being able to guarantee mild illness, no long term effects and no passing it on to anybody vulnerable then that is not going to work.
Sep 2020
5:54pm, 30 Sep 2020
7,537 posts
Oh CStar
Meglet- I've been thinking the same, but as you say there is no guarantee of a risk free infection
On schools- I will be forever grateful to the teacher who took the time to get to know SweetPea and see the unhappy girl behind the smile, so that when she (SweetPea) hit rock bottom, she had someone to confide in. Which triggered the referral to CAMHS and the invaluable support she then received, resulting in a positive autism diagnosis. Positive in all senses of the word.
Sep 2020
6:49pm, 30 Sep 2020
19,157 posts
That is good WA And rubbish CStar And I agree about the margins
Further counselling for c9 today. A number of facial tics and noises and rocking before and after. If she’s doing it to get a reaction it’s working. She says she can’t hold in the pressure anymore outside of school. Who knows. I feel fairly oppressed. And the relayed conversations with the counsellor cover just how dysfunctional MrS and I siblings and parents relationships have been. - I like to think we all have kept going through some trying circumstances but it does sound a bit rubbish all strung together.
I did get a brief win with school though: we got an email round about how children must wear full correct length uniforms and I wrote back in a temper to say perhaps as all doors and windows were now kept open they would be allowed to wear their pe jumpers under their blazers and c9 said it was announced in class that this was ok to do. They haven’t responded to me directly but I’m taking credit
Sep 2020
8:24pm, 30 Sep 2020
50,982 posts
Dr PhFleecyD
Hugs Dipps (()) Some hard stuff going on with her xx
my kids are so skinny they always wore thermals under their school uniform because they felt the cold, ds1 would sometimes wear 3 pairs of trousers... Oh dear CStar No cases at ds2’s school yet though some of his friends have gone for testing. Cross fingers!
Sep 2020
10:53pm, 30 Sep 2020
41,177 posts
Oct 2020
3:10pm, 2 Oct 2020
6,768 posts
Hugs to everyone on here. Life is so tough sometimes. One case so far at ds' school, but not in his bubble. Can't believe we won't be affected at some point...
Oct 2020
10:10pm, 2 Oct 2020
11,323 posts
mrs shanksi
Hugs Dipps x
Heard from teen in Edinburgh. He's upset and doesn't see the point of being down there. We're going to bring him home next weekend. I hate covid. Thinking of all the poor students caught up in this.