Support thread for educators of any type, academics, teachers, early years etc.

36 watchers
May 2020
10:14am, 16 May 2020
63,721 posts
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Anne Longfield, Children’s Commissioner for England, weighs into the debate about returning to education.
May 2020
5:10pm, 19 May 2020
4,104 posts
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Has everybody divided up their N, R, Y1 and Y6 into bubbles and allocated staff?
May 2020
5:50pm, 19 May 2020
1,091 posts
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I assumed that's what everyone was doing while the thread was so quiet Cyclops. Is it even possible?

We've been told to prepare for three different scenarios for teaching, the most likely of which will be hybrid, but with the option for some students to do everything online. Still can't work out how to do a practical science subject entirely online, but hope to have it sorted by Sept. Apparently "we" are doing this, although it's quite clear it will be "us" doing it, not the senior teaching team. And there will be training during May and June (apparently they've not realised we're half way through May already, June is probably our busiest marking period, and we might be trying to restart our research labs at the same time).
May 2020
5:53pm, 19 May 2020
36,704 posts
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At least our senior leaders (well my line manager) have been honest about no real holidays this year or next.
May 2020
6:01pm, 19 May 2020
1,093 posts
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Our line manager is more the super optimistic type, so I don't think she's quite realised that that's what's going to happen to our holidays yet.

I'm hoping our new course will be postponed for a year, so we'll only have existing teaching to convert to the crazy "teach using every possible avenue" thing, and the possible semester 2 start for MSc courses (which thankfully I'm not that heavily involved in) to cope with.
May 2020
8:19pm, 19 May 2020
36,712 posts
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We are also upgrading our VLE with no rollover of structure or content ffs.
May 2020
8:22pm, 19 May 2020
1,096 posts
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What! That's just crazy talk LindsD. Why would they do that?
May 2020
8:25pm, 19 May 2020
36,714 posts
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It was planned. And will support online learning (better interface on tablet etc.) And no rollover to encourage us to look at our modules with fresh eyes *vomit*

I have 7 and 2 are double modules so effectively 9. We have begged and pleaded but to no avail.
May 2020
10:38pm, 19 May 2020
1,097 posts
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I suppose better support for online learning is something, but to not allow rollover is tantamount to murder. Then again so is one person having 7 modules! Even our full time teaching fellows only get 4 (although they tend to be the bigger first year modules.
May 2020
10:47pm, 19 May 2020
36,722 posts
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Thanks. Hard to know what is normal. So cross about content rollover.

About This Thread

Maintained by Grast_girl
There are enough educators on here that I thought it might be nice to have somewhere supportive to rant and problem solve.

Everyone is welcome.

DHE guide for primary schools:

HE survey supporting staff wellbeing:

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