Aug 2023
4:01pm, 11 Aug 2023
2,903 posts
Bowman 🇸🇪
I’m sick at the moment in the beginning of the end of my marathon block. Getting further and further away from my sub 3h this year
Aug 2023
5:13pm, 11 Aug 2023
6,610 posts
Little Miss Happy
Sorry to hear that you're unwell Bowman. How many weeks until your target race?
If you don't mind me asking Damo - how old are you?
I've managed to string a few 60+ mile weeks together and am currently intending to run Bedford to get a GFA. Don't expect to trouble sub 3 but should be comfortable around 3.15. At least I'll have the option of London then.
Aug 2023
5:19pm, 11 Aug 2023
2,904 posts
Bowman 🇸🇪
Cheers LMH, well I’m just a bit annoyed. It could be a lot worse than a mild cold of course. And it’s getting better. My, hopefully, sub 3 attempt is in 10 weeks.
Aug 2023
7:12pm, 11 Aug 2023
6,611 posts
Little Miss Happy
No need to panic then Bowman. Run to HR (assuming your RHR isn’t too much higher than usual) and call it a cut back week.
Aug 2023
8:05pm, 11 Aug 2023
2,905 posts
Bowman 🇸🇪
No it’s not :), it was a few more weeks than I thought actually, I thought it was 7 weeks left for some strange reason. And yes it will have to be a cut back week, it’s been a while since that anyway.
Strangely enough, Garmin hasn’t complained much at all, usually I get very poor sleep, hrv, body battery and other metrics that show that something is out of the ordinary. But this time only a slight higher RHR. So that’s good I guess.
Aug 2023
6:43pm, 23 Aug 2023
2,920 posts
Bowman 🇸🇪
3 days to my next marathon that won’t be a sub 3 attempt. To hilly, not done with my training and to warm conditions. I’m looking at 15-18°C and 100% humidity on the forecast.
I have been training in similar conditions lately, and even if 15-18°C doesn’t seem to warm, especially after a whole summer of training, the humidity always raises my HR 5-10 beats, and I have trouble cooling down the body.
Should be an interesting race. This time I will try adapt to feel, and not just a decided pace. And use it as a part of the marathon block as the weekly (harder) long run.. I also have had a bit of unplanned tapering due to a cold, so I just went along with that.
So that’s the plan, that’s what I have promised my self.
Aug 2023
6:36am, 24 Aug 2023
6,617 posts
Little Miss Happy
Bowman - 26.2 miles is a hard long run in itself. I'd just run it easy (to feel or HR) and not take too much out of yourself.
Aug 2023
11:55am, 24 Aug 2023
2,921 posts
Bowman 🇸🇪
Yes it sure is. I can't really wrap my head around how i shall think about it. But it will be what it is i guess. I feel up for it, but i'm a bit concerned about the humidity and warmth. Well i'll see what happens.
Aug 2023
1:46pm, 24 Aug 2023
15,370 posts
I was lucky the time I did a hilly marathon it had a small weak field so I could treat it as a race rather than time trial. Just running easy/long run pace is one idea, also you could put a bit of structure in with a few faster/harder sections to make it more interesting.
Aug 2023
2:21pm, 24 Aug 2023
2,923 posts
Bowman 🇸🇪
I have had a few thoughts JDA. Either i go pretty comfortable, in slightly below 5 min pace per km, total time of 3:30h.
It won't be a walk in the park, it's still a long distance and a bit of ascent, but manageable at my fitness level for sure. And if all is good and well, get in a faster, preferably sub 3h pace last 10k or 5k.
Or do a slightly slower race than i would on a flat, and colder version, like my A-race will be in a few months.. And with slightly, i don't know what that could be on this kind of route, and weather conditions. Maybe slightly below 5 min pace. Or maybe around 4:30 min pace. Or maybe even worse than 5 min pace..
I think the sensible thing will be to go by feel and not think so much.
I need this race as experience. And is what it will be no matter what.