Aug 2019
1:30pm, 14 Aug 2019
1,552 posts
I might have to go to parkrun on Saturday to either give myself a boost with an unexpectedly good time, or get injured. Win/Win.
Aug 2019
2:22pm, 14 Aug 2019
1,340 posts
Thanks icenutter, probably not the shoe I'm after then.
Brunski, if you have no races lined up this year then why not take a complete break for a couple of weeks ie, not running at all. Then slowly build back up with easy mileage and back on the marathon bus around Christmas time? I'm regretting not taking time off after London because I have niggles that are making running hard a challenge. So my plan is to get York out of the way then have 2 weeks of complete rest in the hope that's enough for them to properly heal and then have one final crack at London next year
Aug 2019
3:24pm, 14 Aug 2019
1,553 posts
Yeah cheers Chris, I'm going to give it another couple of weeks or so to see if my foot sorts itself.
There's a 10k I have half a mind doing on 22 September but I'm not entering unless I'm feeling fit, so unless my niggles get worse before that I might schedule a proper break around October before starting to build up before winter.
Sorry to hear you've still got niggles after London, its very hard sometimes t take the foot off training between races!
Aug 2019
5:36pm, 14 Aug 2019
1,552 posts
Little Miss Happy
What do you think is wrong with your foot Brunski? If you are running just because you want to run then keep it easy and as short as you need to keep your head straight. If it's a 10k you are thinking of then you don't need any big miles.
Sorry to hear that you are niggly too Chris. I just have the usual high mileage aches and pains - as well as the ones that remind me that I need to change my shoes, it's not a cheap hobby this!
Aug 2019
8:14pm, 14 Aug 2019
752 posts
@Brunski when i had a similar problem, i used to leave a bottle of water in the freezer, and once frozen i used to roll my foot on it. Helped a lot.
Aug 2019
8:31pm, 14 Aug 2019
15,095 posts
I actually bought a roller thing that you freeze and it had grooves to aid with the rolling under the foot. Works well
Aug 2019
9:12pm, 14 Aug 2019
753 posts
Baz mine is the low cost option
Aug 2019
11:04pm, 14 Aug 2019
1,554 posts
Post holiday foot pain LMH, I remember having similar a couple of years ago. I don’t think it helped that my sandals I took snapped on the 2nd day at a waterpark where we’d bought a weekly pass, so I ended up spending longer than usual walking around barefoot.
I’ve checked my log and I didn’t have any real time off last time I had this pain and it passed, I’ve been massaging around the pain before getting out of bed (Pre-standing) and that seems to have helped a lot.
Cheers for the suggestions guys, I might try the cold/iced water bottle SKR 😀
Aug 2019
6:32am, 15 Aug 2019
1,553 posts
Little Miss Happy
Do you think it could be PF Brunski?
Aug 2019
9:16am, 15 Aug 2019
1,556 posts
I’ve self diagnosed it as Metatarsalgia, it’s right under the pads toward the front on the base of the foot (where your metatarsals join).
The iced water bottle felt good on the foot this morning!