Start Something in September

23 watchers
Sep 2018
8:32pm, 2 Sep 2018
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That's good progress, Jambomo. You are definitely out of the starting blocks!

McGoo - When I was that small (before every holiday seemed to be bloody camping) we actually stayed in a HOTEL in Ramsey, not a boarding house ...a hotel! It was called The Peveril. As for the pic, somewhere near Ramsey I guess - my Auntie Dorothy (who wasn't a real auntie) was housekeeper for an elderly lady who had a HUGE house with an equally massive magic garden. Or so it seemed, I'm not sure I can trust my sixty year old memories, and there's no-one left to ask.

Liebling would need a HAT of course unless she was being me. Hats worn by all adults on all occasions in the 1950s.

Our kid looks like Little Lord Fauntleroy. Very posh!

IoM has a bit of a joke reputation but was a very popular holiday destination for Mancs and the like. Especially us with lots of rellies in L'pool. Are you sailing? The crossing can be quite rough!
Sep 2018
8:37pm, 2 Sep 2018
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I need to get my own Starts going. They mainly involve training with a view to doing the Indoors next Jan/Feb. I'm planning on 200, 60m, HJ, Lj and shot. I've only ever raced one other indoors 200 (they're very different form outdoor ones) I MUSTNT lose my nerve.

Another start is my illustrated story book. But I can't count it yet.... because I haven't started. Now I have mentioned it I will have to actually commit pencil to paper and paper to scanner and scan to Photoshop....
Sep 2018
9:16pm, 2 Sep 2018
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We're sailing but we have a cabin booked so Liebling can have a lie down
Sep 2018
5:54am, 3 Sep 2018
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Not even 7am yet, and I've already done something towards project new job - replied to an email about a potential apartment in Brussels. It seems too good to be true, though, so I'm immediately expecting it to be a scam or something.
Sep 2018
8:27am, 3 Sep 2018
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I have been giving this a lot of thought :-)

I think one of my ‘things’ is going to be a (Re)Start Something In September- I got into quite a good habit of going to the gym at work for half an hour at lunch time to do some weights or core training. Then I got busy, and lazy, and haven’t been for ages. I shall re-boot it (Tuesday and Thursday are usually good days for fitting it in, just so people know what I should be doing.)
Sep 2018
8:40am, 3 Sep 2018
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After a week of over indulgence on holiday - some 'dry' days are in order.
Sep 2018
8:54am, 3 Sep 2018
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Am on holiday from Saturday for 2 weeks but would love to join in if I can.

Need to think what though - have just brought a kayak but wont be around to use that.

McG - went to IOM earlier this year for the first time, boss lives there and shout if there is anything you need to know. It is such a beautiful Island with so many lovely walks.
Sep 2018
9:36am, 3 Sep 2018
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I’m rolling back a few years and I’m going to start running at least twice a week before work. I have really struggled with getting up early enough to run and am totally out of the habit. Day one shall commence tomorrow.

Thanks for the inspiration Sharkie.
Sep 2018
9:49am, 3 Sep 2018
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And daily stretching of at least 10 mins. It’s something I should be doing daily to protect my dodgy back but I probably do it a couple of times a week. I’ve just done today’s.
Sep 2018
10:07am, 3 Sep 2018
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Also been giving it some thought. Finishing 1-4 things I put off every month. I finished the quilt we’ve been working on yesterday the next step is finishing ebaying a lot of stuff I have hanging about and finishing booking an appt with the doctor I’ve been mulling on for over a year. Eventually this is going to take me to finishing conversations I’m avoiding.

Also 20 squats a day in September. I might add or swap something in October

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