Sep 2020
9:43am, 1 Sep 2020
48,250 posts
I will indeed confirm that, Pix, and I'll say in front of all these people that I think part of the solution is to stuff a sock in the gob of the little voice in your head that's saying, "You can't," and get on and do the training. Because the thing that will make you an Outlaw is having done the training, and the thing that will make you believe you can be an Outlaw is knowing that you're doing the training.
Sep 2020
9:45am, 1 Sep 2020
18,492 posts
Sep 2020
9:49am, 1 Sep 2020
16,357 posts
Also AS PER V-rap speaks great sense.
I'm not great at self belief, Pix - but I know that if I DO the training rather than just thinking about it or seeing it as a mountain, if I do something I really enjoy ... then happiness is a great booster of self belief.
How about 24 miles as a target for this month? That's just 6 miles a week average. Start today. You only have to run a mile. Even I can do that!
Sep 2020
9:52am, 1 Sep 2020
50,736 posts
Dr PhFleecyD
Ooh hello, joining in! Will think about what to do
Sep 2020
9:53am, 1 Sep 2020
16,358 posts
Watcher Fleecio! One of the Do-ers of Fetch!
Sep 2020
10:15am, 1 Sep 2020
30,482 posts
Mrs Jigs (Luverlylegs)
First day if run the sum completed, going back to pond digging shortly, I am excited
Great to hear about plans forming and ‘things’ being booked
Sep 2020
10:42am, 1 Sep 2020
7,360 posts
*delurks* Very tempted by run the sum, but having not run at all for 7-8 months I think that woukd be the quickest way to send me back to the physio's couch. Instead, I'm going to move every day- I managed to walk every day in May but not since.
Sep 2020
10:52am, 1 Sep 2020
12,139 posts
I'm advised to do the exercises I have 3 times per week and will do them on days I'm not running so will start tonight.
Sep 2020
10:53am, 1 Sep 2020
16,359 posts
Good lass, Sarah! Remember to report back in.
Sep 2020
10:54am, 1 Sep 2020
6,079 posts
I want to jump on the strength and conditioning bandwagon with DT and SarahWoo - I've been meaning to for ages and never quite got it going, so Now Is The Time. I've started by selecting a ready made beginner programme I can do at home from the Basic Fit app and scheduling it so it will nag me with reminders to get it done. Hopefully that combined with support from all you lovely people will be the kick I need to stick with it.
Pix - have you looked at any of the TED type talks about silencing inner critics? I heard one life coachy type woman speak on it at a conference last year and the technique she described seemed to make sense to me. It boiled down to recognising that it does actually serve an evolutionary purpose because risk aversion is a useful survival trait in many circumstances, we just don't live in the same promximity to things like sabre toothed tigres any more and it's got nothing else to do, then preparing some responses to have ready next time it pipes it. Giving it a name helps, apparently, as well.
So in your case you might call it something like Gladys, and recognise that while she's not going about it in a very helpful way she's there because a full distance tri is a serious accomplishment and not to be taken lightly, then prepare some responses like 'Thanks for your input, Gladys, I know this a serious thing and that's why I have a detailed training plan and I'm putting in the hours. Now off you pop and find something more useful to do.'