Mar 2010
9:41pm, 29 Mar 2010
12,185 posts
Foxy Davy
is 4 marathons before shakespeare a good way to ease off ? LOL !!
Queen of the Mountains Paula ?!! lol !!
Running withn the fox won't be miserable girl but can assure you it will be hot yeah baby !!
Mar 2010
9:44pm, 29 Mar 2010
7,264 posts
Foxy was that comment about 4 marathons before shakespeare directed at me? If so I dont even have a place for S!!! I was going to do it then it filled up then I got injured so wasnt sure, now I am sitting on the fence. It think there is a thread on 'the other site' for people who want a number, am yet to commit to it but still keeping my eye on what is going on here!
Mar 2010
9:58pm, 29 Mar 2010
772 posts
Queen of the Mountains? I don't think so ...!!
I'm glad they have lots of cold sponges at Shakespeare, sounds like someone might need some cooling down
Mar 2010
10:01pm, 29 Mar 2010
12,191 posts
Foxy Davy
No H - was to jono !!
You will need cooling down Paula if running with the red hot fox
Mar 2010
10:10pm, 29 Mar 2010
220 posts
Think the knee thing is catching. I did Coniston 14+ on Saturday and felt fine with no niggles or anything. Woke up Sunday morning and couldn't bend my left leg. Going down stairs was agony. Gradually wore off through the day but same thing happened this morning. Went for a short run at lunch time and pain to start off with but ran through it and pain got better as I ran. Glad it's nearly taper time. Just hope it holds out and can manage last long run on Sunday.
Maybe it's just sympathy pains for fellow Shakespeare marathoners!
Mar 2010
10:16pm, 29 Mar 2010
2,073 posts
Hellen, my place is available. Let me know asap if you want it otherwise I'm going to offer it on the other place.
Mar 2010
10:40pm, 29 Mar 2010
12,195 posts
Foxy Davy
dies seem to have become an injury thread on here lately !!
Mar 2010
10:42pm, 29 Mar 2010
183 posts
Got my postponed 20 miler tomorrow, forecast looks good, not. I don't think getting too warm will be an issue.
Mar 2010
8:21am, 30 Mar 2010
7,268 posts
Thanks badger, will ponder and let you know today or tom.
My prob really is that I am trying to be sensible in the amount I do. I am doing coventry 40 the week before. when I missed out on a place for this I found a nice looking off road event less than an hour from home so thought I would prob do that as it wouldnt require an overnight stay.
Then on Sat I did an off road marathon and got really lost so am going off the idea. S would require stopping overnight but at least I wouldnt get lost.
will see if there is still some cheap accomodation available
Mar 2010
8:54am, 30 Mar 2010
2,074 posts
OK, great, fmail me when you've decided - I'd rather the place went to a Fetchie I've actually met than whoever happens to be at the top of the list on a website I hardly ever post on in the first place!