Midlands(ish) Marathons

1 watcher
Oct 2016
8:36pm, 11 Oct 2016
201 posts
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So having received my London rejection today but will quite fancying the idea of doing a marathon next year I've started having a look at what else is out there.

Although I realise it probably immediately excludes some good marathons from my shortlist ideally I would like to do something relatively local to me (Leicestershire) so am tentatively looking at marathons in the Midlands.

So.... any recommendations?
Oct 2016
9:10pm, 11 Oct 2016
6,916 posts
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I take it you want Spring road marathons. Charnwood Marathon is local and lovely but off-road. Team mates have done Shakespeare, Milton Keynes and Boston. I've done the half at Shakespeare and it was a fairly quick course and quite a nice race. Milton Keynes is good fun and has a stadium finish, although not the easiest course. I didn't do Boston last year (the one in Lincs) but it is apparently a flat and potentially fast course, although not the most interesting.
Oct 2016
9:16pm, 11 Oct 2016
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There's quite a few long established Midlands marathons, in Stratford (Shakespeare), Leicester, Wolverhampton & Nottingham (Robin Hood) to choose from. Then there's the new Birmingham marathon. Apart from Shakespeare in May, I think the ones I mention are all in Autumn, so not really direct alternatives to VLM.

I've done is Shakespeare and Robin Hood (twice). Both are nice marathons (although both are significantly smaller than HM's run at the same time), both are a little lumpy in places and because most of the runners do the HM at both the second half can feel a little lonely.
Oct 2016
11:52pm, 11 Oct 2016
202 posts
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Don't really mind Spring or Autumn to be honest but I'm not much of an off-roader!

Leicester was my first, and so far only, marathon back in 2011 and really struggled with the lack of other runners and support in the second half. By the time I got back into the city I was having to dodge around shoppers milling around (although that's almost certainly partly to do with being fairly slow!)

Thanks for the suggestions I will look into them :)

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So having received my London rejection today but will quite fancying the idea of doing a marathon ne...

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