1 Mar
5:39am, 1 Mar 2025
6,378 posts
Running rest day for me today. Did my slightly increased gym schedule yesterday, just adding in a couple of more exercises including those sissy squats, legs are twinging slightly this morning. Gym later, upper body.
Had my blood results back yesterday, speedy. Had a text to say my cholesterol was high, 6.7, not unexpected and text recommended lifestyle changes. The text gave me a link for those recommended changes and I struggle to find anything on the list that I don't do already. It recommends more exercise 🤣 I will get an email from the surgery with my overall risk factor as the NHS Health Check is primarily a check on CV health. If risk factor is 10%+ then I'll need to see GP and most likely statins. But at the health check she did say if my cholesterol was high(er) it's likely to be due to my age not my lifestyle. HbA1c is fine at 36, so that's good.
1 Mar
9:57am, 1 Mar 2025
5,701 posts
I hope it all is okay and no statins are needed Shades.Can you fit more exercise in
-4C this morning but roads were dry and pavements so a short run over the rec and park.3+ miles for me .Making 25 for the week.It started so well but we shall see how tomorrow goes I am not going to back off from long run just because my RHR ebbs and flows with recovery from virus.
1 Mar
10:09am, 1 Mar 2025
6,381 posts
WP - minus 2 here and a very heavy frost, had to de-ice the car.
I'm not bothered whether I have to take statins, I guess it'll increase my travel insurance premium though but that's likely to increase with age anyway.
Having been following closely my friend's journey being pre-diabetic, that was more of a concern to me than the cholesterol.
If I wasn't still in rehab from injuries I'm sure I could manage some more exercise, 😉 but I'm happy with the level I'm doing right now.
Hope your long run goes well tomorrow.
1 Mar
10:36am, 1 Mar 2025
4,586 posts
Probably not totally the news you wanted, but as you say, good that your HbA1c is fine.
I went and did a purposefully slow 6 today including parkrun. Quite cold but with sunny conditions made it a nice run out.
2 Mar
6:22am, 2 Mar 2025
6,384 posts
Big G - I would have seen a pre-diabetic result as a life sentence so I'm grateful that's OK.
Small bowl of porridge pre run. Feels like -4 here so it won't be a long run today.
2 Mar
6:25am, 2 Mar 2025
5,708 posts
Good news on not being Pre diabetic. Same temps here again -4C I won't be in a rush to get out
2 Mar
8:07am, 2 Mar 2025
6,385 posts
WP - I had to abandon my run due to ice. Not frost on the roads but where large puddles have frozen. I set off on the back road, first mile fine, flipping freezing but OK. Got to the roundabout and set off on my chosen route but less than a quarter of a mile huge flood frozen, so turned back. At the roundabout I took another route but soon I could see a huge ice patch all across the road. The third route option is closed due to construction of a new housing estate, I could get through the fence if I wanted but the road is covered in mud (good Devon red mud) and some ice. So I retraced my steps and I was so cold I just went home. So a miserable 3 miles, but my Novablast 5's are lovely. Really annoying as the route I originally planned yesterday going in the other direction had 3 large ice patches when I drove there so was congratulating myself for not going that way!
So 39 miles for the week.
2 Mar
9:10am, 2 Mar 2025
5,709 posts
Shades: Really sorry to hear your story this morning But you tried and the weather beat you this morning.Glad you liked the new shoes
I have similar story to tell cycle track is a mile to get there all okay but track was full of ice so came out and opted for option two this was also icy so left me with option three which was just under 3 miles as stopped at coop.I just gave it up as a bad job.But it was at a faster pace than of late so that was the saving grace.
2 Mar
9:31am, 2 Mar 2025
6,387 posts
WP - sorry to hear you had a similar experience with the ice this morning, but good news on the pace.
Tomorrow morning is supposed to be a couple of degrees warmer (I should say, less cold !) and hopefully any icy patches will dry up today.
Let's hope this is the last week of the icy weather until next winter.
2 Mar
9:34am, 2 Mar 2025
5,421 posts
Been fine here up north not exactly warm per se but no ice when i did 5k earlier.
Was gonna do 5 miles but changed my mind during it and will go shopping shortly then do another 5k loop bit later on.
Double digits when i am in London next weekend