Scotland based runs & runners 2020

51 watchers
Jan 2020
10:39pm, 27 Jan 2020
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Son of a Pronator Man
I thought The Big Hoose was Barlinnie.
Jan 2020
1:08pm, 28 Jan 2020
10,698 posts
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Too many laps for my liking
Jan 2020
2:24pm, 28 Jan 2020
2,585 posts
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3 laps over 15k!? Or have I read wrong.
C'mon you have probably done 3 lap parkruns Maz ;-)
Jan 2020
3:46pm, 28 Jan 2020
8,751 posts
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Son of a Pronator Man
only seem to be 2 actual loops
Jan 2020
10:22pm, 28 Jan 2020
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Son of a Pronator Man
Kirkcaldy Parks Half Marathon will be30 August
Jan 2020
10:47pm, 28 Jan 2020
18,803 posts
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Looked a good event last year - might have a crack at it if I am fit enough. Except I suspect it may sell out before I've decided on that.

Pollok parkrun - is there something up with that? I've noticed that numbers are quite a bit down. Queens has started up, of course: but they seemed down even before that. Victoria had nearly 200 more than them last week (which must be verging on hellish). Still, I might make a return to the Scottish mothership - it had become just too busy for me.
Jan 2020
2:01pm, 29 Jan 2020
1,690 posts
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Shoutout for the 50th running of the Allan Scally Relays ( Now 4 x 5K ) . Saturday 29th February @11am .Shettleston Harriers website has details .
Jan 2020
11:46pm, 30 Jan 2020
5,823 posts
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I also thought the big Hoose was the Bar-L
Jan 2020
7:33am, 31 Jan 2020
18,823 posts
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Hmm, well ireckon that if e specific place is mentioned the Big Hoose is where the posh folk there stayed. Without a specific context, the Big Hoose is the Bar-L. If you are a Weegie :-p

Though on the subject of Pollok, might even go tomorrow* as initial visit to Queen's postponed yet again (mate wants to go, but is working o/t to buy a new clutch). What's everyone else running this weekend?

*Unless lousy weather, which looks fairly likely.
Jan 2020
9:00am, 31 Jan 2020
159 posts
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I don't know if it's just Queen's that's affected Pollok, Dvorak. If you look at the Glasgow and surrounding area there are probably 10-12 Parkruns now within about 30-45 minutes. (Plus a few just down the coast).

Drumpellier is a lovely run (and flat) and you've now got Levengrove in Dumbarton as well. You've also got the ongoing work issues at Pollok which might just be putting some folk off. Not necessarily a bad thing as it was getting, on the few recent occasions that I've been, quite congested at the start all the way up to the main tarmac section.

As for Victoria, last time I was there they had about 400 and that was busy. Not sure how they coped with an extra 150 recently. I like that course too, but I can see how it might get frustrating for those at the front, and probably some of the slower runners too.

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Maintained by Ally-C
A thread for runners & races taking place in Scotland; continues Scottish Runners 2019

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