Jan 2018
10:08pm, 10 Jan 2018
2,247 posts
Surrey Phil
I had my name on my charity t-shirt I wore in my first two [London] marathons but not since. Apart from 'come on Fetch' when I've worn my top or being called by the charity vest I'm wearing, I tend to avoid it.
Jan 2018
10:39pm, 10 Jan 2018
2,641 posts
It is most definitely a YAY for me.
Jan 2018
10:40pm, 10 Jan 2018
72 posts
Definitely Ney. I found it off putting having random strangers calling my name out.
Think it’s one of those beginners running things that you stop doing after a while. Like carrying water on every run in one of those loop bottle things.
Jan 2018
7:17am, 11 Jan 2018
21,129 posts
From my observation of clubmates it's got nothing to do with being a beginner and everything to do with personal choice. I keep meaning to get my name put on my vest but haven't actually bothered yet.
I'm happy to be addressed as 'Fetchie' or the name of my club, depending on which vest I'm wearing.
Jan 2018
7:38am, 11 Jan 2018
5,397 posts
I’m a yay. I have my name on my club vest and love the shout outs. Also it makes it easier if a fetchie you haven’t met is trying to find you at an event!
Jan 2018
8:02am, 11 Jan 2018
6,082 posts
Yay from me for marathons and love the interaction with the crowds but then I am not racing, I am enjoying the atmosphere and achievement and I think that could make the difference too.
Jan 2018
8:46am, 11 Jan 2018
28,966 posts
Old Croc
DOn't have my name on vest - but club name usually prompts the hilarious shout of "run Forres run" - it makes me laugh every time (not) as it's such a fresh gag (well 24 years old)
Jan 2018
4:16pm, 11 Jan 2018
28,078 posts
Just for anyone thinking about it, it's very quick and easy to do. I've done probably a dozen vests for myself, and for Blind Ken and his guides. We added BLIND and GUIDE to vests, as well as either his name or in our case GO KEN! beside GUIDE.
£5 for iron letters from eBay. They've lasted 10 years on one of my vests.
I'm happy with "Go Fetchie" or "Go Harmeny" (my club) too. I've never had anyone frown or look unhappy with a shout of name, club (cos even without name you know some club vests), charity name or in the case of a country and attempt at shouting in their native language "Forza Italia" goes down well or "Allez La France" or whatevs, raises a smile!
I love supporting. I ran 13 miles at the Edinburgh marathon and half last year, just running up and down, shouting variations on "Looking great", "Brilliant running", "Well done" etc. interspersed with the odd name and specific. I also helped 2 runners on the ground, 1 runner with time of day / time in race, many with distance on course / distance to go, a few friends with positions / status of others, handed out loads of jelly babies, Jaffa cakes and orange segments etc.
I love spectating at running. Can you imagine offering to wipe the windscreen of a rally car driver or give a foot baller a bit of fruit?! G
Jan 2018
4:44pm, 11 Jan 2018
6,085 posts
Always have Mandymoo on my tops and it always results in loads of encouragement amd shouts of mandymòooooooooooo
Jan 2018
5:23pm, 11 Jan 2018
28,080 posts
Go Mandymooooo! That would be a good one to shout! G