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Ian Williams aka Fetch

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Racing with your name on your shirt: Yay or Nay?

14 watchers
Apr 2018
10:24pm, 3 Apr 2018
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Son of a Pronator Man
When running VLM one year, a lot of people were shouting "C'mon Soapy" at me. I didn't know them and couldn't believe they all knew me from Fetch. Until I realised they were calling "C'mon Sophie" to the woman running just behind me
Apr 2018
10:24pm, 3 Apr 2018
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Apr 2018
12:41am, 5 Apr 2018
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T Rex
I have my nickname on my club vest.

You get some interesting comments. I've had, "C'mon T Rex! You're not extinct yet." I managed to summon up the reply, "No, but I am critically endangered!"
Apr 2018
10:52pm, 16 Apr 2018
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I used to have GRUMPY on my shirt. It always made people smile and gave them a chance of a witty comment. It helped pass the miles for me.
Apr 2018
9:16am, 19 Apr 2018
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It didn't occur to me to put my name on my vest for my first FLM, and it was a lesson learned because EVERYONE apart from me was getting cheered on by name. Another lesson I didn't learn until too late was to use my real name, which is short and easy to read and say but you don't find many the same as it in the average dozen, rather than my Fetch name.
Apr 2018
9:40am, 19 Apr 2018
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Yes. From me.

Both my 'local' club vests (the 'fat bastard' one I wear right now, and my racing snake one from a few years ago) have my name on the front.

My 100 club one has my name on the back, which isn't so useful if all you do nowadays is run city marathons. My Fetch one has my nickname on the back. Name on the back is better for chatting with other runners, name on the front better for crowds.
Apr 2018
9:42am, 19 Apr 2018
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It's a no to putting name on your top from me.

Just gets annoying with random people shouting at you, and you can't then notice when someone that actually does know you is shouting for you and you miss them. Was being tracked by someone with the same name as me in VMLM one year who had our name on their top. Massively annoying, and I couldn't shake him until the last 10km.

I'm happy enough with the random people just shouting the club name as I go past, but leave the actual name shouts for the people that actually know you.
Apr 2018
9:47am, 19 Apr 2018
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Yes, definitely. It's lovely hearing people cheering you on!

Fetch attire is great, as FETCH Everyone being emblazoned across it just makes people shout "Go on Fetch" and then you can pretend you are the real, actual Fetch, the creator and owner of this here website. People who know Fetch will shout, "Go Fetchie!" and then you know they're a Fetchie too.

Good idea about having come back (not that anyone can hear you at London, it's so loud!)

I've got HAPPY G and GO GRRR on mine (as well as my real name). Maybe I'll ask folk "Let me hear you ROARRRR!" to encourage them or something.

Here's a favourite encouragement heard from the crowd:
"Keep smiling. Grinners are winners!" Made me smile!
and the ol favourite:
"You're looking great." Even when we know we're not.

What other good ones have you heard? :-) G
Apr 2018
9:47am, 19 Apr 2018
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I just assume everyone knows me. In events near home, it's a reasonable assumption whether or not my name is on my top. It does mean I need to keep smiling and watch my language.
Apr 2018
10:14am, 19 Apr 2018
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The best ever was when Mr AL & I ran the London 10,000 in our Team Halle shirts - as we ran down Birdcage Walk Mr AL was playing to the crowd and I heard one spectator say 'Ah the Halle Orchestra - they don't get to London much' to explain his exuberance!

About This Thread

Maintained by Kieren
I've never had my name on my shirt and have generally been indifferent to it.

Races I have run i...
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