Nov 2016
8:09am, 22 Nov 2016
9,415 posts
Keefy Beefy
I just paid £1 for 4 pints in Tesco. The Beeb says it was 23p a pint in 1986. Pretty amazing - and the packaging has a "Fair for farmers" logo on it. How does thay work?
Nov 2016
8:17am, 22 Nov 2016
6,058 posts
The 4 pints bottle will be a loss leader. A single pint would probably have cost you about 50p - and probably more in somewhere that wasn't Tesco.... Oh now I feel like I'm a politician being asked the price of a pint of milk and I don't know what that is....
Nov 2016
8:32am, 22 Nov 2016
4,954 posts
You may notice that quite a lot of the milk in Tesco (across the country if not across one shop) has different labelling. it allows them to say they pay farmers a decent price when actually they mostly don't.
It isn't just that there is a big squeeze on farmers and prices. Farming has become a lot more efficient including an increase in average herd sizes on dairy farms. In 1986 it was common to have dairy herds of 50 cows, now that is a novelty as it just isn't viable. 100+ was relatively rare then but is now the bare minimum to stay in business.
Mostly though milk is cheap because of the market dynamics including imports - something that Brexit will almost certainly not change at all but which nevertheless pushed some rural people towards voting for it.
Nov 2016
8:57am, 22 Nov 2016
4,638 posts
Dai Bank
Most of the dairy farmers I looked after got out of that sector in the 1990s, some went to beef, one went to alpaca(he was very succesful), some sold up completely. Milk is a loss leader as BBL said above.
Nov 2016
9:06am, 22 Nov 2016
948 posts
Lesley C
I noticed in Morrison's that they stamped giving an extra 23p to farmers on some bottles and then adding the 23p to the price of it. Not all the bottles had this on it put some were £1 for 4 pints and the bottles giving farmers a fair price were £1.23 for the same amount. They have maybe changed it that was a couple of months ago.
Farmers should be paid fairly whether its crops/milk/meat. Its a tough job, working long hours.
Nov 2016
9:46am, 22 Nov 2016
9,416 posts
Keefy Beefy
Keefy Beefy values your replies.
Nov 2016
9:54am, 22 Nov 2016
13,787 posts
Wriggling Snake
What happened to Sterilised?
Nov 2016
11:53am, 22 Nov 2016
13,257 posts
We get ours delivered, it's organic, and we pay 80p a pint. I realise that by admitting this I am doomed for ever to be dismissed as too middle class. It tastes bloody marvellous, the containers are recycled, and I like chatting with the milkman when he comes for his money (he's a cyclist and has great legs)
Nov 2016
11:54am, 22 Nov 2016
21,981 posts
Derby Tup
Nov 2016
1:39pm, 22 Nov 2016
4,639 posts
Dai Bank
I had a row from Mrs DB for selecting organic milk a couple of weeks ago. I agree with LindsD that it does taste bloody marvellous but have lacked the courage to provoke another telling off by buying more lol.