Nov 2021
9:32am, 5 Nov 2021
4,461 posts
I’m one of four tail walkers tomorrow (two are small children) so I don’t think it’ll be a fast one.
Nov 2021
9:37am, 5 Nov 2021
764 posts
My recollection of Huddersfield is fading but I seem to recall quite a long funnel walk taking you to the scanning area that's some way from the finish line and runs around the perimeter of a number of bowling greens (IIRC), with no escape.
It was certainly a very busy event (the starting area and first loop being one of the least spacious I've been in) and I could well imagine there needing to be a high level of vigilance in keeping finishers in order throughout the funnel. But eight certainly seems a considerable amount when compared to Bushy, for example.
I am sure that the local team manage their event with better knowledge than us outsiders however.
Nov 2021
9:39am, 5 Nov 2021
8,403 posts
Seven for pre-event set up too. I'm pleased I don't have to find that many each week. Our roster is pretty minimal in comparison, but as we're smaller (approx 250) and three laps with the start and finish close to each other there's less to organise.
Bringing a new RD in next week. She's been RD at juniors for a few months. It'll be good to have her on board.
Nov 2021
9:40am, 5 Nov 2021
7,654 posts
That's the one, Weath. I'll give you a full report on how I get on tomorrow. (I've run it every other week since the restart and the runners pretty much self-manage in the funnel, though).
Nov 2021
9:42am, 5 Nov 2021
15,613 posts
Surely you only need a funnel manager up to the point where they hand the tokens with positions out - and that should be relatively close to the finish line - no matter the length of the funnel to scanning.
After that, any others are "shovers" to keep moving people down the funnel (politely of course).
I'd have thought 2 or perhaps 3 is the most you'll ever need.
Nov 2021
9:44am, 5 Nov 2021
7,655 posts
Fozzy - exactly. I've been an FM at Huddersfield a couple of times pre-pandemic when we had 600-700 runners and we got on fine with 2-3 shovers.
Nov 2021
9:45am, 5 Nov 2021
765 posts
I know I'm starting age ungracefully Dooogs, but I would hope some of my memory capability is still remaining ... 😂
It's an 'interesting' layout that's for sure. All those 'up and unders' are reminiscent of playing Mario Cart. Enjoy tomorrow!
Nov 2021
9:51am, 5 Nov 2021
15,951 posts
Funnel managers are also there to stop people escaping the funnel with a finish token, and if there's a big gap between the tokens and the scanners I guess the ED is concerned to avoid losing the tokens and pass on instrucitons about how to present the token / barcode for the app scanning.
Nov 2021
9:57am, 5 Nov 2021
15,614 posts
Then I'd suggest that that fear is unfounded larkim.
I've done a number of events recently (200+ people) where all the scanners have been well away from the end of the funnel, spread out as much as possible.
Which is also surely far better from a covid point of view, rather than corralling people into a small space breathing heavily whilst they wait for their dogdy phone apps ( ) to scan the barcodes...
Nov 2021
9:58am, 5 Nov 2021
15,615 posts
In fact the best ones I've done recently have all have a relatively short funnel, hand out the finish tokens at the end and you simply move out into the open space to scan.