Aug 2021
12:16pm, 9 Aug 2021
20,643 posts
I envy those who enjoy their job. Sadly for me its always been just a source of income and ever since I turned 50, my mind has been wondering how much longer do I need to keep going
I can in theory return to the office from tomorrow but we are only at 1/3rd capacity. The offices have been rationalised since I was last there and I think we only have desks for about 20% anyway, so only 1/3rd of 20% can go in
the reality is that apart from the odd collaboration I am now WFH. However, they cannot change my contract to WFH as that apparently gives me the option to claim redundancy if its not working after 3 months !
Aug 2021
12:18pm, 9 Aug 2021
16,857 posts
MrsHL went into the office for the first time since last March this morning.
Aug 2021
12:30pm, 9 Aug 2021
7,831 posts
Eynsham Red
My neighbours would have been pretty p*$$ed off with me if I’d WFH. They’re all pretty proud of their gardens but the downdraught from a helicopter landing would have caused a teeny bit of havoc!
Aug 2021
1:04pm, 9 Aug 2021
8,953 posts
I've really enjoyed WFH and have actively started looking for roles with less face to face patient contact that I can do from home. The travelling was always the worst bit of my job, and was getting too much pre-covid. It's been just about manageable for most of the past year, but now travel times are worse than ever and it's really stressful balancing home / kids and driving miles and miles for work.
Aug 2021
1:27pm, 9 Aug 2021
5,294 posts
I've hated WFH and can't wait to be allowed back to the office. Home is for relaxing.
Aug 2021
2:06pm, 9 Aug 2021
9,695 posts
I’ve been WFH with occasional / frequent travel (from 1 week / month to once per quarter) for 3.5 years now. Things have definitely changed now everyone else is WFH - some for the better (participant parity) and some for the worse (many more meetings). I am looking forward to being able to travel and meet up with my peers again - much as I hate flying…
Aug 2021
2:37pm, 9 Aug 2021
77,453 posts
ER you can land in my garden anytime
Aug 2021
2:40pm, 9 Aug 2021
77,454 posts
I can't wfh: yoga teaching involves seeing people. As does physio/yoga therapy. I know some teachers took to Zoom but my classes are tailored to people with disabilities/rehab so I really need to see and touch them. Garden design and implementation of those is not possible from home but thankfully is considered a trade, like builders, plumbers etc so I have kept doing that.
Aug 2021
5:15pm, 9 Aug 2021
4,882 posts
I'm still WFH and not keen on going back to the open-plan cattle shed of an office with aircon set at a temperature which suits no-one. It's still a bit undecided on how much WFH/going into the office is going to be split. Sadly (for the company, not her!) one of my colleagues decided whilst WFH that, actually, she never wanted to go back into that office and retired a little earlier than she'd planned. (Not really early, she's 67, but she had planned to stay on for a couple more years.)
Aug 2021
5:30pm, 9 Aug 2021
9,030 posts
I work in a garage that didn't close so never got an option to wfh, don't think it would have been possible either way.