Jul 2021
12:44pm, 6 Jul 2021
2,123 posts
Well, "poo" does make 3 letters of "photo" so you almost got your book.
Jul 2021
2:03pm, 6 Jul 2021
3,016 posts
Fenland Flier
Just a couple of consonants short after turning 60. I guess things get shorter as we get older including eyesight.
Jul 2021
2:08pm, 6 Jul 2021
15,664 posts
MarkyMarkMark (3M)
Jul 2021
2:19pm, 6 Jul 2021
1,706 posts
Hello good folks
Anyone got some advice on moving over to varifocals?
My eyes have changed slightly over the last few years. At a recent eye test, the difference between changing my glasses to my new prescription or staying with my current prescription was noticeable, so I think I'm going to take the plunge and get some new glasses.
However, this is the first time my near sight has changed as well. Varifocals have been recommended, but I know a couple of people who have never really got on with them.
Before I make a decision, what advice would you offer for newbies?
Anything I should be aware of? Anybody gone back to separate glasses?
Thanks in advance
Jul 2021
2:22pm, 6 Jul 2021
3,017 posts
Fenland Flier
Mushroom, I had no issues myself when I started with varifocals.
Jul 2021
2:28pm, 6 Jul 2021
20,298 posts
It seems completely random mushroom.
I was warned not to get them as they were a nightmare to adapt to. I put them on and never noticed a difference and immediately was subconsciously tilting my head as required.
Mrs Axe has twice tried and been unable to use them as she just cannot get the hang of it. Both times glasses got replaced by normal ones
I do wonder if its different as I am shortsighted and have worn glasses from my early 20s (really needed them in my teens but didnt want them) while Mrs Axe can see in the distance fine and needs glasses to read things
Jul 2021
2:31pm, 6 Jul 2021
3,018 posts
Fenland Flier
Good point Baz, I've worn glasses due to short sightedness since I was a teenager.
Jul 2021
2:33pm, 6 Jul 2021
985 posts
jelly (limegreenjelly)
I put off getting varifocals for quite some years, I can read without glasses so was constantly taking mine off to look at my phone!
My advice, buy the best varifocals you can get and adapting to them will be a breeze! To put mine on and be able to see the tv and then look at my phone is a real game changer!
Jul 2021
2:34pm, 6 Jul 2021
16,055 posts
That is a good point. I had no problem adapting to varifocals a few years ago but I have worn glasses since I was 17 years old. Found out I needed them when I took my first driving test! 😮🤓
Jul 2021
2:36pm, 6 Jul 2021
52,819 posts
Lip Gloss
I changed to varifocals a few prescriptions ago and never really noticed the change until I put on a pair of normal ones I had from before as I couldn’t find my glasses and found I couldn’t read my Garmin