Jan 2021
10:53pm, 25 Jan 2021
13,243 posts
As the header says, any top tips for creating a presentation for interview?
I normally do presentations for training, where I am the SME on the topics I present. For my interview I have to prepare a 10min presentation on the 'role of internal audit'
I've so far pulled the data to use as a basis, key words and hopefully walk through from the reason we have IA, what IA offers the stakeholders, what benefits it can bring in improvement programmes but its not the most captivating subject, I know the reason we have IA and the benefits it brings to the business, customers, shareholders, how we can assure ourselves and regulators we are doing things right. But I suspect all other candidates will too - how do I make mine more interesting, a bit different and more captivating?
I am reaching out to the wonderful world of fetchies and I am sure there will be fetchies out there where this is something you just know.
Thank you in advance.
Jan 2021
8:06am, 26 Jan 2021
41 posts
Hi geordiegirl - first a disclaimer that I know nothing about IA, but I've sat through quite a lot of presentations as part of interview panels. Alongside knowledge of the subject, what I find really helpful is some practical examples where the person has put their knowledge into action. So can you link the theory to specific pieces of work and show where you've delivered the benefits IA brings, positive outcomes, etc, where you've built good relationships with stakeholders (I imagine some people find being audited worrying even if there's nothing to worry about?), perhaps a tricky case with a problem that you solved successfully?
I find that sort of thing really helps me to get a sense of the person I'm interviewing and how they would do the job, and that puts them ahead of people who run through theory without adding any of their own experience into it.
Good luck!
Jan 2021
8:24am, 26 Jan 2021
2,170 posts
Agree with CasB. I’m a great fan of story telling in presentations. Could you use a real life example to tell the story of an audit and demonstrate along the way all the points you want to show?
(Again I know nothing about IA)
Jan 2021
8:24am, 26 Jan 2021
2,171 posts
Good luck!
Jan 2021
8:35am, 26 Jan 2021
13,244 posts
Thanks both. I will add in something on how Ia has helped me in the past. The topic is specifically the role of IA in our business so that could fit. As I pick up on the key points I’ll add some personal experience into it. Thanks so much! I knew Fetchland would be a help 😃
Jan 2021
8:37am, 26 Jan 2021
22,641 posts
my input would be make sure the slide content is minimal so you tell the story and info and those watching don't just sit there reading the slide and not listening
agree examples are key perhaps link to the current ISO and any relevant wording (I do some internal auditing myself) and what is key in the presentation of the findings and how they should be followed up.
I know that when I have been audited I have never heard anything back!
Jan 2021
8:46am, 26 Jan 2021
8 posts
They may ask, how do you overcome stakeholder resistance, get buyin, deal with difficult people/situations. I wouldn't wait till they ask the question, addressing it (even slightly) during the presentation may allow you to direct the conversation and acknowledge the fact that it can happen sometimes.
Jan 2021
9:39am, 26 Jan 2021
13,245 posts
More good stuff.. thanks guys.
I do tend to keep slides very minimal, I like a picture that I talk about I am so switched off with lots of words.
Had I known this was happening I would have opted for an interview next week - a weekend to prepare would have been a luxury. Lots of reading to do and technically no access to a printer (but I'm going to print to work and pop in to pick it up)
Jan 2021
11:28am, 26 Jan 2021
4,181 posts
Ahh - spotted the thread as well as the blog.
One thing I learnt in interviews was also to think & talk about the future as well as the past. ie what I think I could do for the company, what I'd change, what I'd keep the same, what's in it for them.
It does need some research to make sure you hit the right tone, culture, hot spots, and some self-confidence. Also a bit of a fearless approach, as in 'Well, this is what I'd want to do. If they don't like it, maybe we're not a good fit anyway.'
But with the same caution as my blog comment - listen to ideas but make your own decisions and be you !
And I guess have a few answers ready for 'tough situations' - how you react or would manage when you find failings in an audit that could have serious consequences for individuals or the org. And (or) how things should have been done to prevent it getting that bad in the first place.
Jan 2021
7:42pm, 26 Jan 2021
13,253 posts
Just to say I have managed to formulate something that seems to be coherent, now to work on the speil to go with it.
I've gone with:
Overview of our business governance framework role of internal audit qualities of an internal auditor Internal audit in business units - how it drives improvement how I've developed through internal audit
the last one will link well into the competency review
Thanks again for all the suggestions and advice
I've got the key skills up and attached my experience to these areas and I've noted a couple of questions that I can ask - as they always ask if you have any questions.