Nov 2017
8:07pm, 8 Nov 2017
12,405 posts
Advice please.
What impact does taking such leave for stress have on new job applications? Currently in teaching but stressed out want to leave teaching but can’t see myself lasting the academic year.
Worried that having a sickness record will cause issues.
Will it? If it will I’ll struggle on and cry in the loos! But I’m really struggling Cheers
Nov 2017
8:27pm, 8 Nov 2017
8,585 posts
Aw, Pix. I don’t know about the HR perspective but from a purely health perspective.... If the job is making you feel like this you need to see your GP and have some time off to recover. Take care. xx
Nov 2017
8:35pm, 8 Nov 2017
5,667 posts
Sounds awful.
I’m not an HR expert but the chap in my team who’s recently resigned was off sick with stress while he was interviewing for his new role. So I don’t think it’s a factor all employers worry about.
Nov 2017
11:50pm, 8 Nov 2017
1,909 posts
I can't offer any advice from a HR perspective, but I would say your well being (mental and physical) should come before any career considerations. Look
Nov 2017
11:51pm, 8 Nov 2017
1,910 posts
after yourself.
Nov 2017
11:56pm, 8 Nov 2017
15,581 posts
Whatever your school has in the way of an HR dept should leap in to support you if they proclaim "best practice" but my guess is that you would need a sick note. TBH the school has managed you poorly to allow this to happen.
Nov 2017
8:43am, 9 Nov 2017
6,353 posts
Too Much Water
Speaking as someone who works in HR, but not majorly on the employment law side...
Post job offer, an employer will probably ask you how much sick leave you’ve had in the past, and if there are any medical issues you’ve had which they may need to make adjustments for.
In terms of a reference the new employer may ask your current school to give a general statement about you as your employee but I’m pretty certain that they wouldn’t be allowed to divulge any medical history other than maybe the number of days off sick.
When applying for a job, you will probably get asked in interview why you are leaving. Even if the reason is work related stress, the way to answer this question is to turn it into a positive - feel I’ve done all I want to in teaching, want a fresh challenge etc. Employers don’t want to hear that you’re a
future Ill health risk! That said any good employer will be able to see past previous issues especially if you can demonstrate that they were situational rather than ongoing. Finding the good, enlightened employer may be harder though
Nov 2017
10:12am, 9 Nov 2017
12,406 posts
Thanks for that.
Duh out my contract to check sick pay and I’m thrilled to say that as an academy we don’t follow normal school rules.
My contract (not sure about others) says 1 month notice (union agree!) whereas in a normal school I would resign in feb and leave April now
This news alone has made me feel so much better