Noise Annoys

8 watchers
May 2023
9:35pm, 12 May 2023
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Red Squirrel
Hey good peeps of Fetch - can you help me (and housemate-owner) where fruitless searches of t’internet have not?

We live in a house with small back garden backing and siding on roads with shops and takeaways. Recently a new take-away has opened and another one re-opened. If you go into the back garden any time of day or night, it sounds like a wind tunnel. I’ve had to move from my back bedroom to my living room (I rent 2 rooms) because it’s too loud and vibrating to sleep at night. Does anyone happen to know the legal permitted decibel noise (a) during the day and (b) at night after 23:00?
May 2023
9:41pm, 12 May 2023
7,387 posts
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Is this any help?
May 2023
9:43pm, 12 May 2023
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Or this
May 2023
10:07pm, 12 May 2023
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Is this type of thing not stipulated in local planning consent laws and/or the specific planning requests (if required) for a takeaway/restaurant?
May 2023
11:02pm, 12 May 2023
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Red Squirrel
Thanks Um. We’ve looked at all the government ones (inc local council) but can’t find any info on what’s reasonable during the day decibel-wise.

Paul - we looked at the planning documents for the new take-away and the council’s noise test came out at 40 (maximum) for the nearest abode and 37 for the next nearest. We measured the night time decibels at over 40 by 10 (50). Unfortunately, we can’t actually work out if it’s the new take-away, the refurb one or another one/combination in the surrounding streets. Neighbours who are also affected are unsure too.

My housemate also noted that we had no info in advance of the new take-away opening or the big ventilation structure that’s been installed which faces on to the back of our house. Anyone know if we should have had a letter?
May 2023
11:21pm, 12 May 2023
70,182 posts
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I’ve just checked something I thought I remembered and it seems to be correct.

An extra 10Db is a *doubling* of perceived volume. So 40 plus 10 is a pretty serious increase.

(Happy to be corrected if my facts are wrong).
May 2023
7:19am, 13 May 2023
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Make a noise complaint to the local council. They'll send you paperwork to keep a log and then they take action. Its what I did when a neighbour installed one of those mosquito type cat scarer which meant i couldn't use my garden. We couldnt identify where it was coming from so I think council wrote to all neighbours threarening action problem stopped. Its dealt with by environmental health team.
May 2023
7:45am, 13 May 2023
1,522 posts
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I wonder if they installed the ventilation after the noise test so the council may not know either!
May 2023
8:20am, 13 May 2023
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Slightly different circumstances but a while back I had an issue with sunlight reflecting from a neighbouring building's metal roof and blinding me for half the day. We resolved it but during the course of the dispute I learned about the law of nuisance, eg as explained here:

Basically, the law says you should be able to enjoy your property without undue interference (noise, artificial light, emissions etc) from others.

If it bothers you enough, might be worthwhile having an exploratory chat with a solicitor. I had to fork out £100 for about 45 minutes with one but was able to use his advice to good effect without having to take action.

Disclaimer: I have no legal qualifications or knowledge, I'm just a random bloke on t'Internet.
May 2023
9:35am, 13 May 2023
22,920 posts
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Red Squirrel
Thank you so much everyone. This is all really useful and Jen - yes good point for us to check!

I don’t want to put too much pressure on the council to investigate, as they are under immense pressure at the mo’ and have been making mistakes to the detriment of local communities and long-established businesses. So we are trying to get as much info together as we can. I’ve already been round to see the 4 nearest take-aways plus a butcher with noisy fridges.

About This Thread

Maintained by Red Squirrel
Hey good peeps of Fetch - can you help me (and housemate-owner) where fruitless searches of t’internet have not?

We live in a house with small back garden backing and siding on roads with shops and takeaways. Recently a new take-away has opened and another one re-opened. If you go into the back garden any time of day or night, it sounds like a wind tunnel. I’ve had to move from my back bedroom to my living room (I rent 2 rooms) because it’s too loud and vibrating to sleep at night. ...

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